Granskingarpallur Føroya - Research portal of the Faroe Islands

Granskingarpallurin PURE Føroyar skal veita umheiminum kunning um allar granskingarstovnar, granskarar og granskingarvirksemi í Føroyum. Ymsu stovnarnar og innanhýsis deildir teirra finnur tú undir “Research Units” omanfyri.

PURE Føroyar veitir víðfevnda og gjøgnumskygda kunning um alla alment fíggjaða gransking í Føroyum og fer at stuðla okkara granskarum í áhaldandi at menna síni altjóða sambond.


The Research Portal PURE Faroe Islands will provide information to the world about all of the public research institutions, researchers and research activity conducted from the Faroe Islands. The various institutions, and their internal departments, can be found under Research Units above.

PURE Faroe Islands provides comprehensive and transparent information about all publicly funded research that has been and is being conducted in the Faroe Islands, and will support our researchers in further strengthening their international connections.

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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