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Marjun á Fríðriksmørk Berbisá
- Náttúruvísindadeildin - Faculty of Science and Technology - Ph.D. Student
Person: Academic
Annika Antoniussen
- Námsvísindadeildin - Faculty of Education - Vicedean and programleader for the Pedagogue Education
- Fróðskaparsetur Føroya - The University of the Faroe Islands
Person: Academic
Iben Nyholm Debess
- Føroyamálsdeildin - Faculty of Faroese Language and Literature - PhD Fellow and Coordinator
Person: Academic
Anni Djurhuus
- Náttúruvísindadeildin - Faculty of Science and Technology - Faculty Research Leader
- Fróðskaparsetur Føroya - The University of the Faroe Islands
Person: Academic
Johild Dulavík
- Deildin fyri heilsu- og sjúkrarøktarvísindi - Faculty of Health Sciences - Guidance Counsellor, International Coordinator
- Fróðskaparsetur Føroya - The University of the Faroe Islands
Person: Academic
Eina Hansen Eliasen
- Heilsugranskingareindin í Sjúkrahúsverkinum - Department of Research, the National Hospital of the Faroe Islands
- Deildin fyri heilsu- og sjúkrarøktarvísindi - Faculty of Health Sciences - PhD Student
- Fróðskaparsetur Føroya - The University of the Faroe Islands
- Depilin fyri Heilsu og almannagransking - Center of Health Science