Use of Rating of Perceived Exertion–Based Training Load in Elite Ice Hockey Training and Match-Play

Vincenzo Rago, Jeppe F. Vigh-Larsen, Kasper Deylami, Adrian Muschinsky, Magni Mohr

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13 Citations (Scopus)


Rago, V, Vigh-Larsen, JF, Deylami, K, Muschinsky, A, and Mohr, M. Use of rating of perceived exertion–based training load in elite ice hockey training and match-play. J Strength Cond Res 36(10): 2837–2843, 2022—Training load (TL) based on the subjective rating of perceived exertion (RPE) may be a useful athlete monitoring alternative when wearable technology is unavailable. The aim of this study was to examine the validity of RPE-based TL monitoring in elite ice hockey. A male ice hockey team (n = 18) was monitored using a 200-Hz accelerometer, heart rate (HR) and RPE (0–10 scale), throughout a 4-week competitive period (n = 309 individual observations). Session-RPE (RPE × duration) averaged 244.8 ± 135.2 and 728.6 ± 150.9 arbitrary units (AU) during practice sessions and during official games, respectively. The smallest worthwhile change was 19.8 AU. Within-individual correlations between session-RPE and total accelerations >0.5 m·s−2 (Acctot), accelerations >2 m·s−2 (Acc2), total decelerations >−0.5 m·s−2 (Dectot), decelerations < −2 m·s−2 (Dec2), time > 85% maximum HR, Edwards' TL, and modified training impulse were very large (r = 0.70–0.89; p < 0.001). In addition, correlations between RPE and measures of exercise intensity (Acctot per min, Acc2 per min, Dectot per min, mean HR, and peak HR) were small (r = 0.02–0.29; p < 0.05) except for Dec2 being unclear (p = 0.686). Differences in intensity parameters between RPE range (easy to very hard, 2–7 AU) were small (r = 0.22–0.31; p < 0.05). The session-RPE method can be used as a global indicator of TL in ice hockey. Specific ranges of time-motion and HR intensity variables can be demarcated between RPE categories (easy to very hard; 2–7 AU). Accounting for training volume (session-RPE) more accurately reflects objective methods of TL based on accelerative efforts and HR, than the RPE score (based on the perception of the intensity).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2837-2843
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Strength & Conditioning Research
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022


  • time-motion analysis
  • heart rate
  • perceived effort
  • acceleration
  • team sports
  • physiology


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