title = "Transfer of Radiocaesium in uncultivated Pastures in the Faroe Islands",
abstract = "The transfer of caesium from soil to plants and further to lamb has been investigated in nine uncultivated pastures distributed over the country. Results for 1990 and 1991 are presented. The content of caesium in the 0-10cm soil layer is practically the same both years. A decreasing trend is observed from 1990 to 1991 for the content of caesium in lamb and grass. An investigation of the time variation of Cs-137 in grass in the growing season show the highest concentration in August. The transfer factors are slightly lower in 1991 than in 1990.",
keywords = "Faroe Islands, Radioactivity, Caesium, Soil, Grass, Lamb, Transfer factor, Concentration ratio, Pasture",
author = "Joensen, {Hans Pauli} and Trygvi Vestergaard",
year = "1992",
language = "English",
series = "Nordic radio-ecological seminar",
number = "6",
pages = "1--9",
booktitle = "The sixth Nordic radio-ecological seminar",