Í 2010-2011 var nógvur smáfiskur í veiðini hjá útróðrarbátum og øðrum, sum royndu á føroyska landgrunninum. Økir nær landi og tveir kassar longri útiá vórðu friðað fyri vinnuligari línuveiðu frá juli 2011 til 31. august 2013 (Kunngerð nr. 94 frá 4/7-2011) fyri at verja hendan fisk í einum átaki at fáa toskastovnin aftur á føtur. Útróðrarmenn vóru ikki samdir í hesum friðingum og førdu fram, at tann smái fiskurin fekst ikki við línu í sama mun inni við land sum uttanfyri. Fiskivinnugransking fíggjaðu verkætlanina „Toskur og hýsa á innaru leiðum”, har Havstovan og útróðrarmenn samstarvaðu um at fáa hagtalstilfar til vega, sum kundi geva upplýsingar um nøgdirnar av smáfiski inni við land og útiá. Úrslitini eru samanfatað í hesum riti og vísa, at nøgdin av ungfiski í línuveiðini var minni í tí stongda økinum nær landi, og at tað eisini var minni av heilt stórum toski. Økið norður-vestur úr Mykinesi, sum eisini var friðað, hevði nærum somu nøgd av smáfiski sum uttara økið. Úrslitini vístu eisini, at hýsan inni við land í tí stongda økinum var munandi størri enn uttanfyri.
Trupult er at ávísa ávirkanina av stongdum leiðum, tí eingin veit, hvat hevði hent, um leiðirnar ikki vórðu friðaðar. Ávirkanin av økisfriðingunum á fiskideyðan hjá smáfiski (aldur 2-4 ár) var torfør at ávísa. Hóast fiskideyðin var lítil í friðingartíðini, kundi tað eins væl komast av teirri lítlu tilgongdini av smáfiski (2 ára gamal), tvs. tí lítla áhuganum hjá fólki at fara á flot, tá einki var at fáa. Ávirkanin av økisfriðingunum á yvirliving (tilgongd) hjá smáfiski var eisini torfør at ávísa. Tá ein samanber ta veruligu tilgongdina við væntaðu tilgongdina (út frá einum sambandi um, at toskur etur tosk) bendi einki á nakra ávirkan av teimum stongdu økjunum á tilgongdina í 2011-13, hóast betri tøl verða tøk um umleið trý ár. Hinvegin var tilgongdin í 2010 (2008 árgangurin, sum var høvuðsorsøkin til friðingarnar) størri enn væntað, og kann vera eitt úrslit av friðingunum, hóast tað eru aðrir møguleikar. Magnus Heinason fekk nógvan smáfisk í september 2013, og kann tað vera eitt úrslit av friðingunum.
Friðingar í framtíðini av smáfiski kunna vera gjørdar við at friða økir út frá landi. Tað kundi verið tey tvey økini, sum vóru við í friðingunum (norður-vestur úr Mykinesi og eystur úr Fugloy) og møguliga onnur økir, til dømis eystan fyri Sandoy. Ein fortreyt í slíkum friðingum má vera, at økini eru stongd fyri allari veiðu (tó við ávísum eyðsýndum undantøkum), og ikki, sum gjørt varð fyri økið nær landi, við at friða fyri ávísar skipabólkar (útróðrarbátar á vinnuligari línuveiðu). Vitandi um, at hýsustovnurin eisini plagar at vera illa fyri, tá toskastovnurin er illa fyri, eiga friðingar av smáfiskaleiðum at samskipast við møguligar friðingar av hýsuleiðum. Um tað koma sterkir árgangir av toski, eigur kortini møguleiki at vera fyri at friða økir nær landi, um tað kann ávísast, at nógvir ikki-vinnuligir bátar leggjast á at fiska smáfisk.
Niðurstøðurnar frá verkætlanini eru tí hesar:
1) Økini nær landi vóru ikki betur egnað til at verja ungfisk enn onnur økir longur út frá landi.
2) Ávirkanin av teimum stongdu økjunum á veiðitrýst og yvirliving hjá smáfiski var torfør at ávísa vegna tess, at eingin veit, hvat hevði hent, um leiðirnar ikki vórðu friðaðar. Tó eru ábendingar um, at 2008 árgangurin fekk nyttu av friðingunum.
3) Framtíðar friðingar av smáfiski kunnu gerast við at friða økir út frá landi (fyri allari veiðu) og samskipast við møguligar friðingar av hýsuleiðum. Um sterkir árgangir av toski koma, eigur møguleiki at vera fyri at friða økir nær landi.
In the period 2010-2011 juvenile cod were frequently caught in the longline and jigging fishery at the Faroes. All areas close to land and two areas further from land were closed to commercial longline fishery from July 2011 to 31. August 2013 (Announcement no. 94 dated 4. July 2011) to protect these juvenile fish in an attempt to boost the already decimated cod stock. Longline fishermen disagreed and claimed that more juvenile cod were found further from land. The fond “Fiskivinnugransking” funded a project “Cod and haddock in nearshore areas at the Faroes”, where Faroe Marine Research Institute and fishermen cooperated to get data, which could resolve this issue. The results showed that the relative amounts of juvenile cod were lower close to land than further out, but that very large cod also were scarcer close to land. Haddock close to land were much larger than haddock further out from land.
It is methodically difficult to demonstrate the effect of area closures, because it is unknown what had happened if the areas were not closed. The effect of the area closures on the fishing mortality of juvenile/small cod (age 2-4 years old) was difficult to demonstrate. Although the fishing mortality was low during the closure period, it was equally well explained by the low recruitment of 2 year-old cod, i.e., the tendency of people to go fishing when there were good catches close to land. The effect of the area closures on the juvenile survival (recruitment) was also difficult to demonstrate. Comparing the observed recruitment with the expected recruitment (based on a model of cannibalism) indicated no effect of the closed areas on the recruitment in 2011-13, although better estimates will be available in about three years. However, the recruitment in 2010 (the 2008 year class, which was a main reason to close the areas) was higher than expected, and could be a result of the area closures, although there are alternative explanations. The research vessel “Magnus Heinason” got many juvenile cod in September 2013, which could be a result of the area closures.
Future area closures to protect juvenile cod could be done by closing areas out from land. Candidates could be the two areas already included in the closures (north-west of Mykines and east of Fugloy) and probably other areas as well, for example east of Sandoy. A prerequisite for such area closures must be that they are closed for all fishing (with obvious exceptions), and not, as done for the area close to land, by restricting only certain fleets (commercial longline boats). Knowing that the haddock stock usually is in a poor state at the same time as the cod stock, the area closures for juvenile cod aught to be coordinated with future area closures of haddock grounds. Nevertheless, in the case of strong incoming year classes of cod, the possibility to close areas close to land should be kept open if it can be demonstrated that juvenile cod suffer excessive fishing mortality as a result of numerous un-commercial boats targeting juvenile cod.
Hence, the conclusions from the project are:
1) The areas close to land were not better suited to protect juvenile cod compared with other areas further out from land.
2) The effects of the closed areas on the fishing mortality and recruitment of juvenile cod were difficult to demonstrate due to methodical problems (it is unknown what had happened if the areas were not closed). However, the 2008 year-class probably benefited from the area closures.
3) Future area closures to protect juvenile cod could be done by closing areas out from land (for all fishing) and coordinated with potential area closures of haddock grounds. In case of strong incoming year classes of cod, the possibility should be kept open to close areas close to land.
Trupult er at ávísa ávirkanina av stongdum leiðum, tí eingin veit, hvat hevði hent, um leiðirnar ikki vórðu friðaðar. Ávirkanin av økisfriðingunum á fiskideyðan hjá smáfiski (aldur 2-4 ár) var torfør at ávísa. Hóast fiskideyðin var lítil í friðingartíðini, kundi tað eins væl komast av teirri lítlu tilgongdini av smáfiski (2 ára gamal), tvs. tí lítla áhuganum hjá fólki at fara á flot, tá einki var at fáa. Ávirkanin av økisfriðingunum á yvirliving (tilgongd) hjá smáfiski var eisini torfør at ávísa. Tá ein samanber ta veruligu tilgongdina við væntaðu tilgongdina (út frá einum sambandi um, at toskur etur tosk) bendi einki á nakra ávirkan av teimum stongdu økjunum á tilgongdina í 2011-13, hóast betri tøl verða tøk um umleið trý ár. Hinvegin var tilgongdin í 2010 (2008 árgangurin, sum var høvuðsorsøkin til friðingarnar) størri enn væntað, og kann vera eitt úrslit av friðingunum, hóast tað eru aðrir møguleikar. Magnus Heinason fekk nógvan smáfisk í september 2013, og kann tað vera eitt úrslit av friðingunum.
Friðingar í framtíðini av smáfiski kunna vera gjørdar við at friða økir út frá landi. Tað kundi verið tey tvey økini, sum vóru við í friðingunum (norður-vestur úr Mykinesi og eystur úr Fugloy) og møguliga onnur økir, til dømis eystan fyri Sandoy. Ein fortreyt í slíkum friðingum má vera, at økini eru stongd fyri allari veiðu (tó við ávísum eyðsýndum undantøkum), og ikki, sum gjørt varð fyri økið nær landi, við at friða fyri ávísar skipabólkar (útróðrarbátar á vinnuligari línuveiðu). Vitandi um, at hýsustovnurin eisini plagar at vera illa fyri, tá toskastovnurin er illa fyri, eiga friðingar av smáfiskaleiðum at samskipast við møguligar friðingar av hýsuleiðum. Um tað koma sterkir árgangir av toski, eigur kortini møguleiki at vera fyri at friða økir nær landi, um tað kann ávísast, at nógvir ikki-vinnuligir bátar leggjast á at fiska smáfisk.
Niðurstøðurnar frá verkætlanini eru tí hesar:
1) Økini nær landi vóru ikki betur egnað til at verja ungfisk enn onnur økir longur út frá landi.
2) Ávirkanin av teimum stongdu økjunum á veiðitrýst og yvirliving hjá smáfiski var torfør at ávísa vegna tess, at eingin veit, hvat hevði hent, um leiðirnar ikki vórðu friðaðar. Tó eru ábendingar um, at 2008 árgangurin fekk nyttu av friðingunum.
3) Framtíðar friðingar av smáfiski kunnu gerast við at friða økir út frá landi (fyri allari veiðu) og samskipast við møguligar friðingar av hýsuleiðum. Um sterkir árgangir av toski koma, eigur møguleiki at vera fyri at friða økir nær landi.
In the period 2010-2011 juvenile cod were frequently caught in the longline and jigging fishery at the Faroes. All areas close to land and two areas further from land were closed to commercial longline fishery from July 2011 to 31. August 2013 (Announcement no. 94 dated 4. July 2011) to protect these juvenile fish in an attempt to boost the already decimated cod stock. Longline fishermen disagreed and claimed that more juvenile cod were found further from land. The fond “Fiskivinnugransking” funded a project “Cod and haddock in nearshore areas at the Faroes”, where Faroe Marine Research Institute and fishermen cooperated to get data, which could resolve this issue. The results showed that the relative amounts of juvenile cod were lower close to land than further out, but that very large cod also were scarcer close to land. Haddock close to land were much larger than haddock further out from land.
It is methodically difficult to demonstrate the effect of area closures, because it is unknown what had happened if the areas were not closed. The effect of the area closures on the fishing mortality of juvenile/small cod (age 2-4 years old) was difficult to demonstrate. Although the fishing mortality was low during the closure period, it was equally well explained by the low recruitment of 2 year-old cod, i.e., the tendency of people to go fishing when there were good catches close to land. The effect of the area closures on the juvenile survival (recruitment) was also difficult to demonstrate. Comparing the observed recruitment with the expected recruitment (based on a model of cannibalism) indicated no effect of the closed areas on the recruitment in 2011-13, although better estimates will be available in about three years. However, the recruitment in 2010 (the 2008 year class, which was a main reason to close the areas) was higher than expected, and could be a result of the area closures, although there are alternative explanations. The research vessel “Magnus Heinason” got many juvenile cod in September 2013, which could be a result of the area closures.
Future area closures to protect juvenile cod could be done by closing areas out from land. Candidates could be the two areas already included in the closures (north-west of Mykines and east of Fugloy) and probably other areas as well, for example east of Sandoy. A prerequisite for such area closures must be that they are closed for all fishing (with obvious exceptions), and not, as done for the area close to land, by restricting only certain fleets (commercial longline boats). Knowing that the haddock stock usually is in a poor state at the same time as the cod stock, the area closures for juvenile cod aught to be coordinated with future area closures of haddock grounds. Nevertheless, in the case of strong incoming year classes of cod, the possibility to close areas close to land should be kept open if it can be demonstrated that juvenile cod suffer excessive fishing mortality as a result of numerous un-commercial boats targeting juvenile cod.
Hence, the conclusions from the project are:
1) The areas close to land were not better suited to protect juvenile cod compared with other areas further out from land.
2) The effects of the closed areas on the fishing mortality and recruitment of juvenile cod were difficult to demonstrate due to methodical problems (it is unknown what had happened if the areas were not closed). However, the 2008 year-class probably benefited from the area closures.
3) Future area closures to protect juvenile cod could be done by closing areas out from land (for all fishing) and coordinated with potential area closures of haddock grounds. In case of strong incoming year classes of cod, the possibility should be kept open to close areas close to land.
Translated title of the contribution | Size distribution of cod and haddock in nearshore areas at the Faroes – final report |
Original language | Faroese |
Type | Havstovan Technical Report |
Publisher | Havstovan - Faroe Marine Research Institute |
Number of pages | 14 |
Place of Publication | Tórshavn |
Edition | 14 |
Volume | 13 |
Publication status | Published - Dec 2013 |
Publication series
Name | Havstovan Technical Reports |