The Sound of Science

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

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The Biophilia Educational Programme is a new form of teaching, using technology, music and creativity as a learning tool, and can be used with all schol subjects. Hitherto mostly used in combination with science subjects.
The evaluations from lecturers indicate that this method challenges the traditional form of teaching, and requires considerable preparation and cooperation. Most of the students agree on that the strength of the programme lies within the multidisciplinary approach, with a central focus on music and creativity without a requirement of particular skills within these subjects.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventNERA 2015, the 43rd Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association - Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg, Sweden
Duration: 4 Mar 20156 Mar 2015


ConferenceNERA 2015, the 43rd Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association


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