Spectral characteristics and spatial smoothing of wind power: A case study of the Faroe Islands

Turið Poulsen, Hans Georg Beyer

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The spectral characteristics of wind power output in a region with complex topography is analysed. Data from six spatially distributed sites are used, having inter-site distances reaching up to almost 100 km. Auto-spectra and coherence functions are calculated and compared to findings in the literature. The study proposes an analytical coherence model, dependent on inter-distances for the complex region. The base of the model is adapted from the literature, where coefficients are modified to fit the data of the considered region. This coherence model together with the auto-spectra is furthermore used to estimate the spectra from lumped power output for the spatially distributed sites, and fit very well to the average spectra for lumped power output using empirical data, indicating that this model scheme is as well applicable for data from regions with complex topography.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)427-438
Number of pages12
JournalMeteorologische Zeitschrift
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2020


  • Coherence model
  • Complex topography
  • Spatial smoothing
  • Spectral characteristics


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