Sjóvarfalsrákið á Munkagrunninum í ár 2011

Translated title of the contribution: The tidal current on the Munkagrunninum in year 2011

Research output: Other contribution

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Útrokningarnar eru grundaðar á einari streymmáting á positión 61 ◦ 12’ N og 6 ◦ 30’ V á Munkagrunninum í tíðarskeiðinum 09.02 – 25.07 1981. Hettar er ein av fleiri streym-
mátingum, sum Fiskirannsóknarstovan framdi á hesum staðnum frá 1977 til 1982.
Translated title of the contributionThe tidal current on the Munkagrunninum in year 2011
Original languageFaroese
PublisherUniversity of the Faroe Islands. Faculty of Science and Technology
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Publication series

ISSN (Electronic)1601–9741


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