Seismic stratigraphic analysis of the Cenozoic sediments in the NW Faroe Shetland Basin – implications for inherited structural control of sediment distribution

Jana Ólavsdóttir, Morten Sparre Andersen, Lars Ole Boldreel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


The post-basalt strata in the Faroese area have been investigated based on interpretation of 2D and 3D reflection seismic data. The post-basalt package is divided into 5 units which have led to the constructions of 6 structural maps and 5 thickness maps. Within the 5 units 12 prograding sediment bodies have been identified. Based on the interpretation it is possible to obtain an overview during time of the location of depocentres and direction of prograding units. Within Eocene time the depocentre was placed in the central part of the basin and the sediment influx was mostly from south and southwest. During OligoceneePliocene time the sediment influx was from north and northwest and the depocentre had moved in a westward direction closer to the Faroe Platform area. Emplacement of the Cenozoic sediments in the Faroese sector of the Faroe-Shetland Basin is controlled by thermal subsidence of the basin, and local uplift of sediment source areas. Reactivation of older, Paleozoic and Mesozoic, structural elements seem to control the sediment path way and restrict the depositional areas. Various structural elements being re-activated at different times caused considerable
structural complexity. Understanding the older, structural elements and their control on sedimentation is a potential tool for understanding deviations from “normal” thermal subsidence and for predicting the prospectivity in the post-basalt succession in the Faroe-Shetland Basin.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-35
Number of pages17
JournalMarine and Petroleum Geology
Publication statusPublished - May 2013


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