V. Ashkenazi, Terry Moore, Gethin Wyn Roberts, Kefei Zhang, Roger Moore, Gareth Close

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The measurement and recording of water level is fundamental to the current techniques of quantifying water resources, the analysis of hydraulic problems and the mapping of floods. At present, however, it is only possible to monitor water level at a relatively small number of fixed locations, which require the installation of instruments, thus being difficult and costly to establish.
Precise real-time kinematic GPS positioning and satellite communication techniques open the avenue to monitor river levels at any point in the world from a remote platform instantaneously. This paper proposes a first step towards real time monitoring of river levels through a combination of advanced GPS/GLONASS, satellite communication and GIS technology. Field trials are in progress by the IESSG. Initial trials were conducted on buoy simulators by the IESSG. The results show millimetric precision through recording data at a 5 Hz rate. The paper discusses the use and applications of such a buoy as well as demonstrating its practicalities and millimetre precision.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe 2nd European Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS '98 )
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 1998


  • GPS
  • RTK
  • Buoy
  • river level
  • water level


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