Radiocaesium Transfer to Grazing Sheep in Nordic Environments

Knut Hove, Hans Lönsjö, Inger Andersson, Ritta Sormunen-Cristian, Hanne Solheim Hansen, Kári Indridason, Hans Pauli Joensen, Vappu Kossila, Andrew Liken, Sigurður M. Magnússon, Sven P. Nielsen, Arja Paasikallio, Sigurður E. Pálsson, Klas Rosén, Tone Selnes, Per Strand, Jóhann Thorsson, Trygvi Vestergaard

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Radiocaesium transfer in the soil-herbage-lamb food chain was assessed in a four-year trial conducted in sheep production locations of the Nordic countries. Radiocaesium contamination of the topsoil ranged from 3 to 30 kBq m−2 and was predominantly of Chernobyl origin in Finland, Norway, and Sweden, whereas in Iceland 137Cs was primarily of nuclear weapons test origin, and in Denmark and the Faroe Island contamination was derived from both sources.

Soil-to-herbage radiocaesium transfer factors were high on the organic and acidic soils of the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, averaging 18–82 Bq 137Cs kg−1 herbage on a soil deposition of 1 kBq 137Cs m−2, and much lower on the sandy soils of Denmark and clay soils in Finland (0.4–0.8).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNordic Radioecology
Subtitle of host publicationThe transfer of radionuclides through Nordic ecosystems to man
EditorsHenning Dahlgaard
ISBN (Print)0-444-81617-8
Publication statusPublished - 1994

Publication series

NameStudies in Environmental Science


  • Radiocaesium Transfer
  • Sheep
  • Nordic Environment
  • Faroe Islands
  • Transfer


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