Perspectives on implementation of eDNA methods in Northeast Atlantic marine monitoring

Ása Jacobsen, Amanda Vang, Ian Salter, Thomas Juul-Pedersen, Sæmandur Sveinsson, Christophe Pampoulie, Owen Wangensteen

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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Key findings:
Perception of eDNA methods

The survey detected a discrepancy between some stakeholders and researchers in the perception of eDNA methods.
Contrary to researchers, some stakeholders estimated that directly comparable results between eDNA methods and more traditional methods were required before implementation. This highlights the need for clear communication between the research community and stakeholders about the application of eDNA.

Standardization challenges

Researchers estimated that the main challenges for standardization of eDNA methods were
Financial issues
That eDNA protocols are still in a developmental stage
Deciding which international protocol to align to.

Due to
Many choices in technical design
Lack of standard institutional protocols to adhere to
Project or practicality based decisions
Limited funding for projects of longer duration


Only few stakeholders estimated that eDNA methods were at the implementation stage
The most advanced area was Biodiversity/Climate change
The second Marine Management
The least advanced area was Impact Assessments
Researchers and stakeholders agreed that the main challenges for implementation of eDNA methods are (in random order)
lack of continuity in funding
lack of standardization and validation of eDNA methods
lack of national biomonitoring programs

Regional differences

Norwegian stakeholders demonstrated an intent to proceed with the process of implementation of eDNA methods
Iceland and the Faroe Islands had more mixed answers from the stakeholders and fewer signs of implementation.
None of the stakeholders approached in Greenland responded to the survey.
Overall, the stakeholders in Norway estimated various issues in implementation of eDNA methods to be less problematic than their counterparts in Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyNIKK, Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN (Electronic)978-92-893-7582-5
ISBN (Print)978-92-893-7581-8
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2023


  • environmental DNA (eDNA)
  • Marine Monitoring
  • Biodiversity
  • Impact assessment


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