Pallsetti yrkjarin: Yrkingasavnið Eru koparrør í himmiríki eftir Katrina Ottarsdóttur sum dømi um nýggjan yrkjaraleiklut

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The collection of poetry “Eru koparrør í himmiríki” by Katrin Óttarsdóttir, published in 2012, challenges the methods usually adopted by literary scholars as the publication in itself turned out to be a literary and artistic event. The article discusses how new media has helped create new roles for authors and poets and new possibilities for them to influence the way readers read and understand their works. In particular, the publication of “Eru koparrør í himmiríki” is used to demonstrate how a poet can make use of semiotic systems in a mediated context as part of an aesthetic strategy. Key concepts and terms are “semionautical”, “performative biografism” and “biographical irreversibility” coined by respectively Nicolas Bourriaud and Jon Helt Haarder.
Original languageFaroese
Title of host publicationBók Jógvan
Subtitle of host publicationheiðursrit til Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen á 60 ára degnum
EditorsZakaris Svabo Hansen
Place of PublicationTórshavn
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)9789991865805
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • performative biografism
  • poets
  • Katrin Óttarsdóttir

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