Observation of fish and fish farming equipment

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

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Aquaculture food production is growing faster than other major food production sectors globally. To keep up width the global trend, fish-farming in the Faroe Islands has moved from sheltered locations, to also include exposed farming sites. Larger waves and stronger currents at exposed fish farming sites set high requirements for the equipment that is needed for fish farming.
In order to obtain better understanding of the environment surrounding fish cages and its inhabitants, a large number of studies have been conducted using different methods. In this poster, a comparison is made between the capabilities of each observational method with regards to relevant parameters to examine fish-welfare and to acquire operational information.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventNVD 50 ár - Kongshøll, Vestara bryggja, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
Duration: 18 Nov 202218 Nov 2022


ExhibitionNVD 50 ár
Country/TerritoryFaroe Islands


  • aquaculture
  • fish farming equipment


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