Introduction to the special section on survivability analysis of wireless networks with performance evaluation (VSI–networks survivability)

Rohit Sharma, Danda B. Rawat, Amiya Nayak, Sheng-Lung Peng, Qin Xin

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial


Wireless communication is one of the key constituents of this technological revolution, particularly when considering the edge of the architecture: wireless enables mobility and flexibility, reduces the cost and
weight of equipment and often simplifies system deployment. Because of
this, there is increasing interest in adapting wireless networks to the
strict requirements of diverse application domains, such as industrial
automation, intelligent transportation, autonomous robotics and
healthcare. Recent developments in mobile and wireless networks have
paved the way for them to become an indispensable form of technology
that is used by technology-savvy, business, and lay people, everywhere
and at any time. Despite considerable advancements and merits, mobile
and wireless networks are still lacking robustness and susceptible to
cyberattacks. Overwhelming network traffic may not only affect performance of user services but may also cause service or network outage.
Moreover, network failures may cause drastic effects on network performance and hinder network operation. Furthermore, cyberattacks are
continuously on the rise during this pandemic, severely affecting
network performance. These problems emphasize the need for mechanisms to enhance the network performance and survivability to sustain
the flow of information in the case of failures or attacks. The development of these technologies is impossible without substantial progress in
the field of modulation and coding schemes, channel access methods,
QoS/QoE support and energy efficiency, the theory and recommended
practice of reliable data delivery in multi-hop wireless networks (wireless mesh networks, MANET, VANET, FANET, etc.), analytical modelling, of wireless networks and their protocols.
This special issue aims to seek high-quality submissions focusing on
developing efficient algorithms for wireless networks and mathematical
frameworks for wireless networks’ performance evaluation and survivability. Visionary, work-in-progress, and unpublished original research
and survey/tutorial articles are solicited on survivability, performance
evolution, safety, and security aspects of wireless networks. Eight papers
were selected based on the reviews from a total of Thirteen papers
submitted. At least three reviewers reviewed each paper, which went
through at least two rounds of reviews. The brief contributions of these
papers are discussed below
Original languageEnglish
Article number109498
Number of pages2
JournalComputer Networks
Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2022


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