Gender and Island Communities

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


This book takes an explicitly feminist approach to studying gender and social inequalities in island settings while deliberating on ‘islandness’ as part of the intersectional analysis.

Though there is a wealth of recent literature on islands and island studies, most of this literature focuses on islands as objects of study rather than as contexts for exploring gender relations and local gendered developments. Taking Karides’ ‘Island feminism’ as a starting point and drawing from the wider literature on island studies as well as gender and place, this book bridges this gap by exploring gender, gender relations, affect and politics in various island settings spanning a great variety of global locations, from the Faroe Islands and Greenland in the north to Tasmania in south. Insights on recent developments and gendered contestations in these locations provide rich food for thought on the intricate links between gender and place in a local/global world.

This text will be of key interest to students and scholars of gender and feminist studies, cultural studies, Island studies, anthropology, and more broadly to sociology, geography, diversity and social justice studies, global democracy, and international relations.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited Kingdom
Number of pages204
ISBN (Electronic)9780429263705
ISBN (Print)978-0-367-20841-7
Publication statusPublished - 20 Mar 2020

Publication series

NameGender in a Global/Local World


  • gender
  • islands
  • feminism
  • identity
  • Post-colonialism
  • Intersectionality
  • island communities
  • globalisation


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