Fish offal from aquaculture as fertiliser: Report to the Nordic Council of Ministers

Erla Olsen, Roar Olsen

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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The aquaculture industry produces vaste quantities of fish offal. These amounts stem both from slaughter and from on-farm mortality and must be dealt with according to the EU Animal By-Product Directive. Using the fish offal as fertiliser is one of the approved methods, provided that certain precautions are taken and restrictions met.
This report puts forth some recommendations for use of the product, including considerations for vulnerable areas and plant growing time. Also it is recommendated to measure the content of nutrients and POPs, and to conduct germination tests to find an appropriate dilution of the fertiliser before application in order to avoid scorching of the vegetation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Publication series

NameFrágreiðing 2011:1
PublisherThe Environment Agency. Faroe Islands


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