Fibre type- and localisation-specific muscle glycogen utilisation during repeated high-intensity intermittent exercise

Jeppe F. Vigh-Larsen, Niels Ørtenblad, Ole Emil Andersen, Hallur Thorsteinsson, Thea H. Kristiansen, Stine Bilde, Mads S. Mikkelsen, Joachim Nielsen, Magni Mohr, Kristian Overgaard

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Abstract: Glycogen particles are situated in key areas of the muscle cell in the vicinity of the main energy-consumption sites and may be utilised heterogeneously dependent on the nature of the metabolic demands. The present study aimed to investigate the time course of fibre type-specific utilisation of muscle glycogen in three distinct subcellular fractions (intermyofibrillar, IMF; intramyofibrillar, Intra; and subsarcolemmal, SS) during repeated high-intensity intermittent exercise. Eighteen moderately to well-trained male participants performed three periods of 10 × 45 s cycling at ∼105% watt max (EX1–EX3) coupled with 5 × 6 s maximal sprints at baseline and after each period. Muscle biopsies were sampled at baseline and after EX1 and EX3. A higher glycogen breakdown rate in type 2 compared to type 1 fibres was found during EX1 for the Intra (−72 vs. −45%) and IMF (−59 vs. −35%) glycogen fractions (P 
Original languageEnglish
Article numberJP283225
Pages (from-to)1-18
Number of pages18
JournalThe Journal of physiology
Issue numbern/a
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022


  • carbohydrate
  • excitation–contraction coupling
  • fatigue
  • metabolism
  • performance
  • subcellular


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