FARMON II Deployments in Faroese Waters 2018 - 2019

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The report documents seven current meter deployments in Faroese waters in 2018– 2019 deployed within the FARMON II project, which is funded by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities as part of the Arctic Climate Support Programme.
Three of the moorings were located at standard (Nordic WOCE) sites (NWFB, NWFC and NWNB). Two were deployed (NWNJ and NWNL) at larger depths on the Faroe Current section. Additionally, two moorings were deployed on the eastern part of the Faroe Plateau to monitor the recirculation of the Faroe Current into the Faroe Shetland Channel (TNGY and TNGZ).
At all sites except NWNJ and TNGZ, RDI ADCPs (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) were placed in the top of single-point moorings. At site TNGZ a “shallow-water” rig was used, where an RDI ADCP was placed on the bottom inside a protective aluminium frame. The ADCP's measures the velocity averaged over a number of depth layers (“bins”). At 20 minute intervals, the ADCP's records the data from all bins into “ensembles” as well as the instruments heading, pitch, roll and temperature.
Original languageEnglish
TypeHavstovan Technical Report
PublisherFaroe Marine Research Institute
Number of pages62
Place of PublicationTórshavn
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2019

Publication series

NameHavstovan Technical Reports
PublisherFaroe Marine Research Institute


  • Oceanography
  • current measurements
  • Faroese waters


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