Fátt er betri: 1196 orðatøk á føroyskum

Translated title of the contribution: 1196 proverbs in faroese: Fátt er betri

Páll Isholm

Research output: Book/ReportBook


A collection of faroese proverbs collected from several written sources in my master thesis in 1999 and in media and oral sourses from 1999 until 2009. The proverbs are organize both by subject and alphabet.
Translated title of the contribution1196 proverbs in faroese: Fátt er betri
Original languageFaroese
Place of PublicationSyðrugøtu
Number of pages113
ISBN (Print)999189729-1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2009


  • Proverb
  • Collection
  • Orðatøk


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