“Eg havi væl loyvi at liva”. Náttúrufatanir og vistkritikkur í føroyskum og norðurlendskum barna- og ungdómsbókmentum

Paula Gaard, Sanna Andrassdóttir Dahl

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The article discusses the conception of nature in Faroese and Nordic children's and young adult literature. Considering the claim that ecocritical literature has taken its permanent place in the literary landscape, reflecting a new identity, that permeates what children and young people read, the article examines how environmental problems, climate change, environmental activism, and the relationship between nature and culture are addressed in a selection of Faroese and Nordic children's and young adult literature.
Original languageFaroese
Pages (from-to)14-42
Number of pages29
JournalFróðskaparrit - Faroese Scientific Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jan 2025


  • Perceptions of nature, ecocriticism, climate changes, nature conservation, children’s literature, YA-literature, environmental activism, ecocitizenship.

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