Effektmåling af ”Sikker Trafik LIVE”: Delrapport 1

Translated title of the contribution: A randomized controlled trial of “Sikker Trafik LIVE” (“Road Safety LIVE”): Sub-report 1

Tróndur Møller Sandoy, Helle Hansen, Christian Li Kristensen

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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This report presents the impact measurement for “Sikker Trafik LIVE” (“Road Safety LIVE”), an educational intervention carried out by the Danish Road Safety Council. The impact measurement concerns the part of the intervention aimed at the oldest pupils at primary and lower secondary schools: 8th to 10th grades (13-17 years old). The purpose of the LIVE intervention is to provide pupils with more insight into and a better understanding of the consequences of a serious road accident, and to focus attention on the choices pupils make in traffic. The aim is to motivate pupils to make safer choices in traffic, and to provide them with competencies that enable them to take care of themselves and to take action when confronted with the risk behavior of people around them. In the school year 2016/2017, “Sikker Trafik LIVE” visited more than 37,000 pupils in the 8th to 10th grades in Denmark.
In order to evaluate the intervention, 93 schools were recruited in summer 2016 and subsequently randomised to receive a visit by a LIVE ambassador, either in the autumn of 2016 or the spring of 2017. Data were collected by means of an electronic questionnaire in the period AugustSeptember 2016, and again in January 2017, before the control group was paid a visit by a LIVE ambassador. 3,779 responses were collected at baseline and 1,855 at follow-up from pupils in their final years of school. The intervention group and the control group were largely identical, except for minor differences in assessments of parents’ level of education. We found slightly more pupils in the control group whose parents had 15-17 or 18-20 years of education, and slightly more pupils in the intervention group who did not know what education their parents had.
The questionnaire was based on three main themes: knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. These are the areas that the Danish Road Safety Council - through the “Sikker Trafik LIVE” visits - wants to influence in order to put an end to young people’s overrepresentation in road accident statistics.
Translated title of the contributionA randomized controlled trial of “Sikker Trafik LIVE” (“Road Safety LIVE”): Sub-report 1
Original languageDanish
Place of PublicationCopenhagen
PublisherVIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd
Number of pages54
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-7119-470-8
Publication statusPublished - 6 Dec 2017


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