EcoDoses. Improving radiological assessment of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems: A status report for the NKS-B project 2004

Sven P. Nielsen, Mats Isaksson, Bengt Erlandsson, Cristopher L. Rääf, Ritva Saxén, EIla Kostiainen, Hans Pauli Joensen, Sigurður Emil Pálsson, Tone Bergan (Editor), Øyvind Gjølme Selnæs (Editor), Astrid Liland (Editor), Håvard Thørring (Editor), Ali Hosseini (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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The NKS B-programme EcoDoses project started in 2003 as a collaboration between all the Nordic countries. The aim of the project is to improve the radiological assessments of doses to man from terrestrial ecosystems. The present report sums up the work performed in the second phase of the project. The main topics in 2004 have been: (i) A continuation of previous work with a better approach for estimating global fallout on a regional or national scale, based on a correlation between precipitation and deposition rates. (ii) Further extension of the EcoDoses milk database. Estimation of effective ecological half lives of 137Cs in cow’s milk focussing on suitable post-Chernobyl time-series. Modelling integrated transfer of 137Cs to cow’s milk from Nordic countries. (iii) Determination of effective ecological half lives for fresh water fish from Nordic lakes. (iv) Investigate radioecological sensitivity for Nordic populations. (v) Food-chain modelling using the Ecosys-model, which is the underlying food- and dose-module in several computerised decision-making systems
Original languageEnglish
PublisherNKS-Nordic Nuclear Safety Research
Number of pages88
ISBN (Electronic)87-7893-170-3
Publication statusPublished - 2005

Publication series



  • Nuclear weapons fallout
  • deposition modelling
  • food-chain modelling
  • ecological halflives in milk and freshwater fish
  • radioecological sensitivity for Nordic populations


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