Diversity and the European Public Sphere. The Case of Denmark: EUROSPHERE COUNTRY REPORTS. Online Country Report No.5

Helene Pristed Nielsen, Birte Siim, Lise Rolandsen Agustín

Research output: Working paper


This report contains empirical findings from the Danish case within the Eurosphere project. It is based on 55 interviews with Danish opinion makers on the topics of diversity, EU polity and the European public sphere The empirical research programme of EUROSPHERE aims to explore whether it is possible to develop an inclusive public sphere in the European Union. Based on different scenarios and alternative combinations of different approaches to diversity, polity, and the public sphere, EUROSPHERE aims to identify the notions, discourses, and objectives that are in the process of becoming dominant in key European actors and political spaces, how these notions and objectives are spread and made relevant in different political contexts as well as in the context of the European Union politics, and what contestations and conflicts they create in policymaking. The EUROSPHERE Country Reports Series represents the finalization of the very first step of a comprehensive comparative research programme. The aim of this series is to provide a brief summary of a huge data material collected by the project researchers. This report summarises empirical findings from the Danish setting, and is primarily based on expert interviews with 55 opinion makers within Denmark.
Original languageEnglish
Place of Publicationwww.eurospheres.org
Number of pages107
VolumeNo. 5, 2010
ISBN (Electronic)1890-5986
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2010


  • Mangfoldighed
  • Køn
  • Offentlighed
  • Demokrati
  • Deltagelse
  • Meningsdannere
  • EU
  • Diversity
  • Gender
  • Public sphere
  • democracy
  • Participation
  • Opinion-makers


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