Development of a Shelf Margin Delta due to Uplift of Munkagrunnur Ridge at the Margin of Faroe–Shetland Basin: A Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Study

Jana Ólavsdóttir, Lars Ole Boldreel, Morten Sparre Andersen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


During the last decade several 3D digital reflection seismic datasets
have been acquired in the Faroese sector of the Faroe–Shetland Basin which allow
detailed seismic interpretation and mapping of parts of the area. This study presents
mapping and seismic sequence stratigraphic interpretation of parts of a c. 450 m
thick, mid-Eocene delta extending over some 3500 km2 in the Faroe–Shetland Basin.
The delta built out into the basin from the Munkagrunnur Ridge and has been
divided into nine seismic units. Isochore maps of these seismic units reveal a
NW–SE depositional maximum trend, parallel to the slope front of the delta in most
units. The dip of the slope front of these units is about 2.3–3.8. The lowest unit has
the outer form of a thin sheet, whereas the upper unit, a basinward divergent wedge,
is mostly constrained to the shelf area.
Using the outer form of the seismic units and reflector terminations against the
bounding horizons, the surfaces separating the nine mapped units are interpreted
as either maximum regression surfaces (MRS) or surfaces representing the start of
base level fall (BSFR) or a combination of these two types of surface. Surfaces of
regression and erosion are observed within several units and, with additional
information regarding the seismic character and nature of internal unconformities
and systems tracts, the nine seismic units are divided into systems tracts deposited
during eight cycles of relative sea level change.
Within the study area falling stage and lowstand systems tracts (FSST and LSST)
are generally better preserved than transgressive and highstand systems tracts (TSST
and HSST). Maximum flooding surfaces separating a TSST from the overlying
HSST are not recognized, and in several sequences the TSST and HSST are either
absent or so thin that they cannot be resolved in the seismic data.
The slope front of the delta was first developed in the lower, aggradational part
of the delta and retained during the upper, progradational part, where the delta
evolved as a small shelf margin delta.
Adding realistic thermal subsidence to the global sea level curve indicates that the
Faroe–Shetland Basin was characterized by almost continuous relative sea level rise
in the mid Eocene. Multiple stages of uplift of the Munkagrunnur Ridge during the
mid-Eocene are considered to be the most likely explanation for the multiple cycles
of sea level change inferred in the delta.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)91-103
Number of pages13
JournalPetroleum Geoscience
Publication statusPublished - May 2010


  • shelf margin delta
  • seismic sequence stratigraphy
  • Munkagrunnur Ridge
  • Faroe– Shetland Basin
  • 3D seismic interpretation


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