Blind search for post-translational modifications and amino acid substitutions using peptide mass fingerprints from two proteases

H. Barsnes, S.-O. Mikalsen, I. Eidhammer

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Mass spectrometric analysis of peptides is an essential part of protein identification and characterization, the latter meaning the identification of modifications and amino acid substitutions. There are two main approaches for characterization: (i) using a predefined set of possible modifications and substitutions or (ii) performing a blind search. The first option is straightforward, but can not detect modifications or substitutions outside the predefined set. A blind search does not have this limitation, and therefore has the potential of detecting both known and unknown modifications and substitutions. Combining the peptide mass fingerprints from two proteases result in overlapping sequence coverage of the protein, thereby offering alternative views of the protein and a novel way of indicating post-translational modifications and amino acid substitutions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number130
JournalBMC Research Notes
Issue number130
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes


  • Mass spectrometry
  • peptide mass fingerprint
  • Algorithm
  • software


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