Biological Applications of Thermoplasmonics

Victoria Thusgaard Ruhoff, Mohammad Reza Arastoo, Guillermo Moreno-Pescador, Poul Martin Bendix

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Thermoplasmonics has emerged as an extraordinarily versatile tool with profound applications across various biological domains ranging from medical science to cell biology and biophysics. The key feature of nanoscale plasmonic heating involves remote activation of heating by applying laser irradiation to plasmonic nanostructures that are designed to optimally convert light into heat. This unique capability paves the way for a diverse array of applications, facilitating the exploration of critical biological processes such as cell differentiation, repair, signaling, and protein functionality, and the advancement of biosensing techniques. Of particular significance is the rapid heat cycling that can be achieved through thermoplasmonics, which has ushered in remarkable technical innovations such as accelerated amplification of DNA through quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Finally, medical applications of photothermal therapy have recently completed clinical trials with remarkable results in prostate cancer, which will inevitably lead to the implementation of photothermal therapy for a number of diseases in the future. Within this review, we offer a survey of the latest advancements in the burgeoning field of thermoplasmonics, with a keen emphasis on its transformative applications within the realm of biosciences.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)777–789
Number of pages13
JournalNano Letters
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • photothermal therapy
  • thermoplasmonics
  • plasmonic heating
  • drug delivery
  • COVID detection
  • plasmonic PCR
  • membrane fusion
  • manipulation,
  • stem cell differentiation


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