Beyer, Hans Georg Repercussions of interannual variability in irradiance on sizing PV for autonomous renewable energy systems

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


When sizing the components of renewable energy systems to be able to cover the load with a certain
security of supply the selection of the data meant to represent the meteorological conditions governing the systems
performance plays a decisive role. Current approaches comprise either to select or construct years assumed to present
typical statistical properties or years assumed to present the most challenging conditions in view to assure a high degree
of load coverage by the renewables up to a 100%. When aiming at systems approaching the complete load coverage by
renewables it is obvious that long-term data sets must be considered to identify those condition. Here, a long-term data
set is applied to examine the lay-out of a PV system assisting the electricity system of the Faroe Islands. For this
example, the identification ot the most chalanging conditions in a 56-years set and the conseqences of the use of
incomplete sets in view of the occurence of deficit situations is discussed.
Keywords: island systems, sizing, meteorological data
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 11 Sept 2020
EventEU Photovoltaic Solar Ebergy Conference 2020 - virtual
Duration: 9 Nov 202111 Dec 2021


ConferenceEU Photovoltaic Solar Ebergy Conference 2020
Abbreviated titleEU PVSEC
Internet address


  • solar energy


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