Atlantic water flow between Iceland and Faroes 2012 – 2013

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The inflow of warm and saline Atlantic water across the Iceland-Faroe Ridge into the Norwegian Sea is the main branch of Atlantic inflow to the Nordic Seas. Since summer 1997, the volume transport of Atlantic water carried by this branch has been monitored by an array of moored ADCPs combined with regular CTD observations on a section along 6°05'W, extending northwards from the Faroe shelf. The traditional method for estimating Atlantic water transport requires input from at least three ADCPs straddling the Atlantic water flow, but from the deployment summer 2012 to summer 2013, it was only possible to recover two ADCPs. When the data from these two ADCPs are combined with data from satellite altimetry, we find, however, that it is possible to generate a fairly accurate time series of Atlantic water transport. From 1st July 2012 to 1st May 2013, the average Atlantic water transport was 3.3 Sv, which is slightly less than the long-term average, but not the lowest transport for similar periods in the past.
Original languageEnglish
TypeHavstovan Technical Report
PublisherHavstovan - Faroe Marine Research Institute
Number of pages8
Place of PublicationTórshavn
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2014

Publication series

NameHavstovan Technical Reports


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