Application of hair-mercury analysis to determine the impact of a seafood advisory

Pál Weihe, Philippe Grandjean, Poul J. Jørgensen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    52 Citations (Scopus)


    Following an official recommendation in the Faroe Islands that women should abstain from eating mercury-contaminated pilot whale meat, a survey was carried out to obtain information on dietary habits and hair samples for mercury analysis. A letter was sent to all 1180 women aged 26-30 years who resided within the Faroes, and the women were contacted again 1 year later. A total of 415 women responded to the first letter; the second letter resulted in 145 repeat hair samples and 125 new responses. Questionnaire results showed that Faroese women, on average, consumed whale meat for dinner only once every second month, but the frequency and meal size depended on the availability of whale in the community. The geometric mean hair-mercury concentration at the first survey was higher in districts with available whale than in those without (3.03 vs. 1.88μg/g; P=0.001). The mercury concentration also depended on the frequency of whale meat dinners and on the consumption of dried whale meat. The 36 women who did not eat whale meat at all had a geometric mean hair-mercury concentration of 1.28μg/g. At the time of the second survey, the geometric mean had decreased to 1.77μg/g (P
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)201-208
    Number of pages8
    JournalEnvironmental Research
    Issue number2
    Early online date26 Feb 2004
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2005


    • Biological monitoring
    • Intervention study
    • Methylmercury
    • Pilot whales
    • Risk management


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