Ávirkan av endaleysum valmøguleikum, ógjørligum væntanum og samfelagsligum avmarkingum á sálarheilsuna hjá føroyskum ungum: Frágreiðing og tilmæli frá teimum ungu

Translated title of the contribution: The effect of endless possibilities, unrealistic expectations and societal limitations on Faroese young people's mental health

Annika H. Davidsen, Monika Mohr

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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There is substantial evidence pointing towards a rise in mental health problems among young people worldwide. A recent survey showed that, compared to older age groups, Faroese young people aged 18–24 struggled the most with
symptoms of psychological stress, depression, and loneliness. They also worried more about their economic and housing conditions compared to their older counterparts. The reasons for the higher degree of young people’s mental health
challenges, however, remain unclear. The aim of this study was therefore to gain insight into the contributors to young people’s mental health. Six semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted with 28 people aged 18–34. Through the thematic analysis, three main themes were identified: 1. Too many options, 2. High expectations and 3. Limiting small-scale living. We interpret these themes as being intricately connected to the recent societal changes, and we address the importance of understanding young people’s mental health considering this context. We will also introduce five recommendations from the participants about how to improve young people’s mental health in the Faroe Islands. These recommendations are about creating better possibilities for social activities, less emphasis on school grades, reduce the access to social media, creating more livable circumstances and more openness about mental health.
Translated title of the contributionThe effect of endless possibilities, unrealistic expectations and societal limitations on Faroese young people's mental health
Original languageFaroese
Place of Publication[Tórshavn]
Number of pages27
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • youth
  • health
  • mental health
  • society
  • Faroe Islands


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