Symptoms after detection of COVID19 infection in Faroese individuals / Sjúkueyðkenni hjá fólki, sum eru smittað við COVID-19

Project Details


1. Symptoms after detection of COVID19 infection in Faroese individuals and 2. Symptoms after detection of COVID19 infection in Faroese individuals - clinical examinations

The purpose of this project is to investigate the consequences of the corona infection in those infected in the Faroe Islands and thereby to describe the normal course of the disease and the seemingly deviant but more severe sequelae which also will be assessed with a clinical examination.

1. Sjúkueyðkenni hjá fólki, sum eru smittað við COVID-19 og 2. Sjúkueyðkenni hjá fólki, sum eru smittað við COVID-19 – klinisk kanning

1. Endamálið er at kanna sjúkutekin hjá fólki, sum hava haft korona smittuna, og sum hava fingið at vita, at tey eru vorðin frísk. Við hesum er ætlanin at greina vanligu sjúku gongdina hjá fólki, sum hava haft hana, men í serligan mun eisini at finna tey, sum hava óvæntaða sjúkugongd og eftirsjúkur. og 2. Endamálið við hesi víðkaðu kanningini er at kanna heilsustøðuna hjá fólki, sum hava havt koronasmittuna, fyri at kanna, um sjúkan hevur haft seinárin.
Effective start/end date1/04/20 → …

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


  • covid-19


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