This project examines the role of experts and scientific authorities during the Corona crisis. The project examines public trust in experts and scientific authorities and what factors trigger popular trust as well as popular distrust in science and scientific authorities. With the help of quantitative surveys, the project aims to identify what factors trigger either trust or scepticism, and these factors may include age, gender, education, political ideology, religious worldview, income etc. Furthermore, the ambition is also to examine why some scientific issues unite people while other issues trigger polarization and fierce political power struggles.
Verkætlanin hevur til endamáls at kanna, hvønn leiklut vísindafólk hava í einum fólkaræði, og hvønn leiklut serfrøðingar hava í politiskum avgerðarprosessum. Við kvantitativum kanningum hevur verkætlanin eisini til endamáls at kanna fólksligt álit á serfrøðingar og vísindaligar myndugleikar og finna fram til, nær borgarar lurta eftir serfrøðingum, og nær borgarar vraka tað, sum serfrøðingar siga. Undir hvørjum umstøðum virða og lýða fólk vísindaligar myndugleikar, og undir hvørjum umstøðum gera tey ikki?