Projects per year
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MedUseFO: A nation-wide study on medication use in the Faroe Islands
Hammer, H. (PI), Petersen, M. S. (PI), Joensen, N. (CoI) & Pottegård, A. (CoI)
1/02/25 → 31/01/26
Project: Research
Symptoms after detection of COVID19 infection in Faroese individuals / Sjúkueyðkenni hjá fólki, sum eru smittað við COVID-19
Petersen, M. S. (PI), Kristiansen, M. F. (CoI), Hanusson, K. D. (CoI), Danielsen, M. E. (CoI), Steig, B. Á. (CoI), Gaini, S. (CoI), Strøm, M. (CoI) & Weihe, P. M. (CoI)
1/04/20 → …
Project: Research
Hansen, Z. S. (PI), Olsen, E. (PI), Eysturstein, K. H. (CoI), Sølvará, H. A. (PI), Árnadóttir, T. (PI), Simonsen, K. (PI), Sigurðardóttir, T. (PI), Bogadóttir, R. (PI), Olsen, E. S. (PI), Skoradal, M.-B. (PI), Debess, I. N. (PI), Mohr, M. (PI), Petersen, M. S. (PI) & í Dali, N. R. (PI)
17/04/09 → …
Project: Research
Not started
Risk perception, awareness, and knowledge of contaminants in pilot whale: Learning from 40 years of risk communication on the Faroe Islands
Helmsdal, E. F. (PI), Petersen, M. S. (CoPI) & Nielsen, J. B. (CoI)
Project: Research
Causes and costs of the high incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the Faroe Islands
Hammer, T. (PI), Petersen, M. S. (CoI), Strøm, M. (CoI), Weihe, P. M. (CoI), Nielsen, K. R. (CoI), Midjord, J. (CoI), Vang, A. (CoI), Lophaven, S. N. (CoI), Burisch, J. (CoI) & Langholz, E. (CoI)
1/03/21 → 1/07/24
Project: Research
7023 COVID-19 infection among those who have been in recommended quarantine / Smittustøðan hjá teimum, sum hava verið í viðmæltum sóttarhaldi
Petersen, M. S. (PI)
1/05/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
7010 Covid in the Faroe Islands - Examinations of Infection Rates, Symptoms, and Antibodies of Covid Patients in the Faroe Islands
Gaini, S. (PI), Petersen, M. S. (PI), Kristiansen, M. F. (PI), Steig, B. Á. (PI), Strøm, M. (PI), Christiansen, D. H. (PI), Andorsdóttir, G. (PI), Møller, L. F. (PI) & Gislason, H. (PI)
17/04/20 → 18/05/22
Project: Research
Tracing the true prevalence of COVID-19 in the Faroe Islands: COVID-19 dark numbers in the Faroe Islands / Hvussu nógv fólk í Føroyum hava andevni í blóðinum móti koronavirusi?
Petersen, M. S. (PI), Strøm, M. (CoI), Christiansen, D. H. (CoI), Fjallsbak, J. P. (CoI), Eliasen, E. H. (CoI), Johansen, M. (CoI), Veyhe, A. S. (CoI), Kristiansen, M. F. (CoI), Gaini, S. (PI), Møller, L. F. (CoI), Steig, B. Á. (CoI) & Weihe, P. M. (CoI)
1/04/20 → 1/01/22
Project: Research
Establishment of analysis capabilities at the Research Centre iNOVA; analysis of perfluorinated compounds in fish
Dam, M. (PI), Mikalsen, S.-O. (CoI), Weihe, P. M. (CoI), Petersen, M. S. (CoI), Halling, J. (CoI), Mikkelsen, B. (CoI) & van Bavel, B. (CoI)
1/01/14 → 1/06/16
Project: Other