Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
Data Science, Statistics and Machine Learning: Computational data analysis and statistical modelling with R/RStudio and Python
Biostatistics, bioinformatics and genomics (Big Data, current projects)
Physics, applied mathematics and statistics (general research interests)
Growth and optical Characterisation of GaAs quantum quantum wires (subject of my PhD, previous main focus)
Biostatistical collaboration/supervision of:
2011-14 PhD-project: “Primary Carnitine Deficiency in the Faroe Islands - an epidemiological and clinical study” by Jan Rasmussen, the University Hospital, Faroe Islands.
2014-18 PhD-project: “Antimicrobial resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Escherichia coli from the Faroese population, correlation with antimicrobial use and comparison with Denmark and Iceland” by Marita Debess Magnussen, Faroese Food- and veterinary authority & University of Iceland.
2016-20 PhD-project: “Sequencing the North Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) genome and development of a genetic stock management tool” by Sunnvør Klettsgarð í Kongsstovu, Amplexa Genetics A/S, The University of the Faroe Islands, Faroe Marine Research Institute, European Bioinformatics Institute, Aarhus University.
Biostatistics, bioinformatics and genomics (Big Data):
2018- “A statistical pre-investigation of variation in whole-genome DNA sequence data from a small subset of the Faroese population.” H. Gislason, the Department of Science and Technology, University of the Faroe Islands; G. Andórsdóttir, the Genetic Biobank, Faroe Islands; B. Steig, Queen Alexandries Hospital, Faroe Islands; G. McVean, The Department of Statistics, University of Oxford. Approved application (24/8-2014) by the Faroese Ethical Committee.
2016- “Sequencing the North Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) genome and development of a genetic stock management tool - The Hergen 2014 project.” Hans Atli Dahl et al.: Amplexa Genetics, the Faroe Marine Research Institute, the Faroese Veterinary Agency, European Bioinformatics Institute, Aarhus University, and the University of the Faroe Islands.
- Computational data analysis and statistical modelling with R/RStudio:
- 2013-17 Statistical modelling of sea lice count data (H. Gislason, University of the Faroe Islands, Fiskaaling)
H. Gislason, “Magnetokapacitet af todimensionale elektronsystemer i halvlederstrukturer”, M.Sc. Thesis, Copenhagen University, (1992).
H. Gislason, “Rapport over arbejde med ny teknik til måling af dispersion i optiske fibre”, TFL LD 1993-6, TeleDanmark, (1993).
C. B. Sørensen, H. Gislason, D. Birkedal, and J. M. Hvam, "MBE growth and characterization of high purity GaAs/AlGaAs on the (110) surface of GaAs", Microelectronics Journal, vol. 26, pp. 767-773, (1995).
H. Gislason, C. B. Sørensen, and J. M. Hvam, "(110) oriented GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As quantum wells for optimized T-shaped quantum wires", Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 69, pp. 800-802, (1996).
H. Gislason, W. Langbein, and J. M. Hvam, "Asymmetric GaAs/AlGaAs T wires with large confinement energies", Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 69, pp. 3248-3250, (1996).
W. Langbein, H. Gislason, and J. M. Hvam, "Optimization of the confinement energy of quantum-wire states in T-shaped GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs structures", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 54, pp. 14595-14603, (1996).
W. Langbein, H. Gislason, J. M. Hvam, K. Scheffeler (ed.), R. Zimmermann (ed.), ”Confined quantum wire states in T-shaped GaAs/AlGaAs structures”. in Proc. 23nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, pp. 1169-1172, (1996).
C. B. Sørensen, H. Gislason, and J. M. Hvam, "MBE growth of two-dimensional electron gases on (110) GaAs", J. Crystal Growth, vol. 176, pp. 1097-1101, (1997).
H. Gislason, W. Langbein, and J. M. Hvam,"Highly confined T-shaped quantum wires", Superlatt. and Microstruct. vol. 22, pp. 217-220, (1997).
W. Langbein, H. Gislason, J. M. Hvam, “Optical properties of asymmetric T-shaped quantum wires with large confinement” OSA Technical Digest Series, vol. 11. IEEE, pp. 111-112, (1997).
H. Gislason, "Growth and optical characterisation of GaAs quantum wires", Ph.D. Thesis, DTU, (1997).
W. Langbein, H. Gislason, J. M. Hvam, J. Zeman, "Anisotropic carrier and exciton confinement in T-shaped quantum wires revealed by magneto-photoluminescence", Summaries of papers presented at the International Quantum Electronics Conference, IEEE Technical Digest Series, vol. 7, pp. 86-87, (1998).
W. Langbein, H. Gislason, and J. M. Hvam, "Transient four-wave mixing in T-shaped GaAs quantum wires", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 60, pp. 16667-16674, (1999).
Note 1: gap in publication list due to a period in IT-industry (Faroese Telecom, IT-developer, 1999-2005), and a period of mainly administrative work (Fiskaaling, Research Manager, 2005-2008).
H. Gislason, "Granska og Vinn – um KT gransking og menning", In: K. Durhuus (Ed.), Halló! Brot úr einum fjarskiftandi alheimi, pp. 228-248, Faroese Telecom, (2006).
H. Gislason, ”Cod farming in the Faroe Islands”. In: B. Björnsson, V.I. Gunnarsson, (Eds.), Cod Farming in the Nordic Countries, Program and Conference Report, Grand Hotel, Reykjavik; 30 September–1 October, pp. 16–17, (2008).
Note 2: since 2009, up to about 50% of my work is assigned to research and 50% to teaching and administrative duties (University of the Faroe Islands, Professor, 2009-).
H. Gislason, H. Karstensen, D. H. Christiansen, K. Hjelde, S. Helland, G. Bæverfjord, ”Rib and vertebral deformities in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) explained by a dominant-mutation mechanism”, Aquaculture vol. 309, pp. 86-95, (2010).
A. G. Kolbeinshavn, P. Vestergaard, Ø. Patursson, H. Gislason, ”Rapid growth of farmed cod in sea cages in the Faroe Islands”, Aquaculture vol. 358–359, pp. 224-233, (2012).
J. Rasmussen, O. W. Nielsen, N. Janzen, M. Duno, H. Gislason*, L. Køber, U. Steuerwald, A. M. Lund, ”Carnitine levels in 26,462 individuals from the nationwide screening program for primary carnitine deficiency in the Faroe Islands”, J Inherit Metab Dis. [Epub ahead of print] (2013). (*Erratum 2014, author added)
J. Rasmussen, A. M. Lund, L. Risom, F. Wibrand, H. Gislason, O. W. Nielsen, L. Køber and M. Duno, ”Residual OCTN2 transporter activity, carnitine levels and symptoms correlate in patients with Primary Carnitine Deficiency”, Mol. Genet. Metab. Rep., 1:241-248 (2014).
M.D. Magnussen, S. Gaini, H. Gislason, K. G. Kristinsson, “Antibacterial resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) from healthy carriers and tonsillitis patients and association with antibacterial sale in the Faroe Islands”, APMIS 2016; 124:327-332. Manuscript Accepted: 10 December 2015. First Published: 02 February 2016,
M.D. Magnussen, H. Gislason, S. Gaini, and K.G. Kristinsson, "Antibacterial Susceptibilities of Escherichia coli from Community-Acquired Urinary Tract Infections in the Faroe Islands, Associations with Antibacterial Sales, and Comparison with Iceland and Denmark", Microbial Drug Resistance 2018; 24:40-47. Published January 1, 2018; Online Ahead of Print: May 24, 2017,
Gislason H. Statistical modelling of sea lice count data from salmon farms in the Faroe Islands. J Fish Dis. 2018; 41:973–993. First published: 17 November 2017,
Jakobsen U, Fjallheim AS, Gislason H, Gudmundsen E, Poulsen S, Haubek D. Dental professionals' experience with and handling of suspicion of child maltreatment in a small‐scale society, the Faroe Islands. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2019; 5:145–150. First published: 31 January 2019,
í Kongsstovu S, Dahl HA, Gislason H, í Homrum E, Jacobsen JA, Flicek Paul, Mikalsen S-O. Identification of male heterogametic sex determining regions on the Atlantic herring Clupea harengus genome. Journal of Fish Biology 2020;97:190–201. First published: 15 April 2020,
Kristiansen MF, Heimustovu BH, Borg S á, Mohr TH, Gislason H, Møller LF, Christiansen DH, Steig B á, Petersen MS, Strøm M, Gaini S. Epidemiology and Clinical Course of First Wave Coronavirus Disease Cases, Faroe Islands. Emerg Infect Dis. 2021;27(3):749-758.
- í Kongsstovu, S., Mikalsen, S-O., Homrum, E. Í., Jacobsen, J. A., Als, T. D., Gislason, H., Flicek, P., Nielsen, E. E. & Dahl, H. A., 2022, In: Fisheries Research. 249, 10 p., 106231. Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) population structure in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean.
Gislason, H. SNP heterozygosity, relatedness and inbreeding of whole genomes from the isolated population of the Faroe Islands. BMC Genomics 24, 707 (2023).
Personal profile
Prof. Hannes Gislason, MSc, PhD
M.Sc. in physics (major) and mathematics (minor), Copenhagen University (3-10-1992).
Ph.D. in GaAs semiconductor nanophysics/optics from Microelectronics Centre (MIC), Danish Technical University (DTU), Lyngby (28-10-1997).
1993 (first half year) investigations of dispersion in optical fibers, TeleDanmark, Hørsholm, Denmark.
1993-94 Teaching physics and chemistry, Aalborghuus Gymnasium, Aalborg, Denmark.
1994-97 Ph.D.-education at MIC, DTU, including a 6 months stay at EPFL, Lausanne.
01-10-1997 – 30-04-1998 Assistant research professor, MIC, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark.
01-05-1998 – 15-09-1998 Microsystems R&D engineer, DELTA, Hørsholm, Denmark.
01-01-1999 – 01-11-2005 Faroese Telecom, IT-department (Oracle and MicroSoft .NET development), and the division for Business Development (01-04-2003 – 01-06-2005).
01-08-1999 – 01-06-2006 Part time teaching mathematics at the University of the Faroe Islands.
01-11-2005 – 31-12-2008 Head of Research, P/F Fiskaaling – the Aquaculture Research Station of the Faroes. 01-01-2009-31-07-2018 part time researcher (biostatistics and statistical modelling) at Fiskaaling.
01-01-2009 – Professor in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), University of the Faroe Islands with research responsibility and responsibility for the education BSc in Software Engineering (until March, 2023) and for the MSc in Data Science (from March, 2023).
01-10-2010 – 31-12-2015 NCP- & PC-representative in FP7- & H2020-ICT for the Faroese Research Council.
01-03-2012 – 31-10-2013 Head of Department of Science and Technology.
- 01-11-2013 – 28-02-2023 Educational leader for BSc in Software Engineering.
01-03-2023 – Educational leader for MSc in Data Science.
1994-97: Growth and optical characterisation of GaAs quantum wires (3 year PhD-grant of ~ 1.200.000 DKK from DTU-Electro for the PhD-education of H. Gislason at Microelectronics Centre, MIC, DTU).
1997-98: Growth and optical characterisation of GaAs quantum wires (1 year Post. Doc.- grant of ~ 300.000 DKK from DTU-Center for Nanostructures for H. Gislason, Assistant research professor, MIC, DTU).
2006: Genetic studies of Atlantic cod from the Faroe Bank and the Faroe Plateau. (Ph.D.- grant from the Faroese Research Council of 678.000 DKK used for Petra E. Petersen, Fiskaaling).
2008: Water quality within a group of fish farming cages (Ph.D.-grant from the Faroese Research Council of 715.343 DKK used for Heini W. Rasmussen, Fiskaaling).
2014: The HerGen 2014 project - Sequencing the North Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) genome and development of a genetic stock management tool. Grants of 410.000 DKK from the Ministry of Fisheries (Fiskivinnuroyndir), 500.000 DKK from the Faroese Research Council and 600.000 DKK from P/F Nótaskip to project, to be placed in the iNova Research Park; led by Hans Atli Dahl, Amplexa Genetics; together with Jan Arge Jacobsen and Eydna í Homrum, Faroe Marine Research Institute; Hóraldur Joensen, Hannes Gislason and Svein-Ole Mikalsen, University of the Faroe Islands; and Debes Christiansen, Faroese Food- and Veterinary authority.
2014: A statistical pre-investigation of variation in whole-genome DNA-sequence data from a small subset of the Faroese population. H. Gislason, the Department of Science and Technology, University of the Faroe Islands; G. Andórsdóttir, the Genetic Biobank, Faroe Islands; B. Steig, Queen Alexandries Hospital, Faroe Islands; G. McVean, The Department of Statistics, University of Oxford. Approved application (24/8-2014) by the Faroese Ethical Committee. This project is financially supported by University of the Faroe Islands with salary for 12 months and 60.000 DKK for expenses divided over two years.
- 2020: Korona í Føroyum – kanningar av smittutølum, sjúkueyðkenni og andevni hjá korona sjúklingum í Føroyum
Stuðul: 499.267 kr.
Verkætlanarleiðari: Shahin Gaini, ph.d. og yvirlækni. Aðrir luttakarar í bólkinum: Bjarni á Steig, Marnar Fríðheim Kristiansen, Sanna á Borg, Bodil H. Heimustovu, Tróndur Høgnason Mohr, Lars Fodgaard Møller, Hannes Gislason, Marin Strøm, Maria Skaalum Petersen, Guðrið Andorsdóttir, og Debes H. Christiansen.
- 2020: Finnast meira og minni sjúkuelvandi SARS-CoV-2 variantar í Føroyum?
Stuðul: 361.975 kr.
Verkætlanarleiðari: Debes H. Christiansen, Heilsufrøðiliga Starvsstovan. Kliniskur ábyrgdari: Shahin Gaini, Landssjúkrahúsið. Aðrir luttakarar í bólkinum: Bjarni á Steig, Marnar Fríðheim Kristiansen, Sanna á Borg, Bodil H. Heimustovu, Tróndur Høgnason Mohr, Lars Fodgaard Møller, Hannes Gislason, Marin Strøm, Maria Skaalum Petersen og Guðrið Andorsdóttir.
In current position (since 1. January 2009):
2009 Course in B.Sc. in ICT Engineering: Introduction to communication in ICT systems.
2009-2010 Designed the new education B.Sc. in Software Engineering and established collaboration with Mid Sweden University on Distance education.
2010-2015 Courses (each of 7.5 ECTS) in the B.Sc. in Software Engineering Programme: Introduction to Computer Science, The Software Engineering Profession, Computer Networks and Data Communication, Statistical Methods in Software Engineering, Web Applications: ASP.NET with C#, IT-Project, and supervisor to the Bachelor Project (22.5 ECTS).
- 2013-:
Degree Programme Director for Software Engineering
Responsible for the education KT-verkfrøði:
Course responsible (Ábyrgdarlærari) for 16 out of the 22 courses (142.5 ECTS, 79% of 180 ECTS):
Introduction to Computer Science (7.5 ECTS, NVD)
Introduction to programming in C++ (7.5 ECTS, distance)
Object based programming in C++ (7.5 ECTS, distance)
Object Oriented Programming in C++ (7.5 ECTS, distance)
Engineering Economics (7.5 ECTS, NVD)
Java for C++ Programmers (7.5 ECTS, distance)
Design Patterns with C++ (7.5 ECTS, distance)
Introduction to Web Development (7.5 ECTS, NVD)
Application Development for the Android Platform (7.5 ECTS, distance)
Forensic Information Technology (distance), re-designed 2017: Internet Security (7.5 ECTS, NVD)
Statistics for Comp. Science, re-designed 2016: Data Science and Statistics with RStudio (7.5 ECTS)
Web Applications: ASP.NET with C# (7.5 ECTS)
Project Management (7.5 ECTS)
IT-project (7.5 ECTS)
Software Engineering (7.5 ECTS)
Bachelor Project (22.5 ECTS)
In 2016, I designed and delivered all the teaching of the course Data Science and Statistics with RStudio (7.5 ECTS), which I also did in 2018, 2020 and 2023.
In 2019, I collaborated with PhD-student Tórur Strøm, DTU, to develop two new elective MSc/BSc-courses that run in a 3-week period during April-May, 2019, and I was the course responsible for the developed courses:
Introduction to FPGA-Oriented Digital Design (5 ECTS)
FPGA-Oriented Digital Design Project (2.5 ECTS)
In 2019, we started revision of the BSc-programme implemented from 2020 with new courses in Python, Java and Machine Learning with Python.
In 2019, I revised our plans for a MSc-education and designed a new MSc-programme: “MSc in Data Science” with focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and IT-security.
In 2022, part of the funding for the MSc-programme that was approved in the Ministry of Education on July 22, 2019, was allocated.
In 2023, the new MSc-programme in Data Science was started.
In past positions (1993-2008):
1993-1994 Physics and Chemistry, Aalborghuus Gymnasium, Denmark.
1994-1997 Supervision during my PhD-study of an individual course in semiconductor physics, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark.
1999-2006 Mathematical Analysis, Complex Analysis, University of Faroe Islands. Supervision of 3 B.Sc. students in ICT Engineering (Open University).
2006-2008 Co-supervisor of one PhD-project, Genetics of Atlantic Cod, Fiskaaling.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 1 Finished
7010 Covid in the Faroe Islands - Examinations of Infection Rates, Symptoms, and Antibodies of Covid Patients in the Faroe Islands
Gaini, S. (PI), Petersen, M. S. (PI), Kristiansen, M. F. (PI), Steig, B. Á. (PI), Strøm, M. (PI), Christiansen, D. H. (PI), Andorsdóttir, G. (PI), Møller, L. F. (PI) & Gislason, H. (PI)
17/04/20 → 18/05/22
Project: Research
Explaining close relatedness and the founding of the Faroe Islands from a bottleneck effect observed in ROHs: Topic: 19. Population Genetics and Evolutionary Genetics
Gislason, H., 27 May 2024.Research output: Contribution to conference › Poster › peer-review
Open AccessFile28 Downloads (Pure) -
SNP heterozygosity, relatedness and inbreeding of whole genomes from the isolated population of the Faroe Islands
Gislason, H., 23 Nov 2023, In: BMC genomics. 24, 14 p., 707 (2023).Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access1 Citation (Scopus) -
Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) population structure in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean
í Kongsstovu, S., Mikalsen, S.-O., Homrum, E. Í., Jacobsen, J. A., Als, T. D., Gislason, H., Flicek, P., Nielsen, E. E. & Dahl, H. A., 2022, In: Fisheries Research. 249, 10 p., 106231.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile8 Citations (Scopus)31 Downloads (Pure) -
Epidemiology and Clinical Course of First Wave Coronavirus Disease Cases: Faroe Islands
Kristiansen, M. F., Heimustovu, B. H., Borg, S. Á., Mohr, T. H., Gislason, H., Moller, L. F., Christiansen, D. H., Steig, B. Á., Petersen, M. S., Strom, M. & Gaini, S., 1 Mar 2021, In: Emerging Infectious Diseases. 27, 3, p. 749-758 10 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
13 Citations (Scopus) -
Identification of male heterogametic sex determining regions on the Atlantic herring Clupea harengus genome
í Kongsstovu, S. K., Dahl, H. A., Gislason, H., í Homrum, E., Jacobsen, J. A., Flicek, P. & Mikalsen, S. O., 15 Apr 2020, In: Journal of fish biology. 97, p. 190-201 12 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile4 Citations (Scopus)77 Downloads (Pure)
NVD 50 ár
Abrahamsen, H. (Organiser), á Fríðriksmørk Berbisá, M. (Organiser), Beyer, H.-G. (Organiser), Blaasvær, H. F. E. (Organiser), Christiansen, S. (Organiser), Djurhuus, A. (Organiser), Gislason, H. (Organiser), Halling, J. (Organiser), í Hjøllum, J. (Organiser), Joensen, B. (Organiser), Joensen, H. P. (Organiser), í Kongsstovu, S. K. (Organiser), Kristmundsson, J. (Organiser), Magnussen, E. (Organiser), Mikalsen, S.-O. (Organiser), Simonsen, H. (Organiser), Simonsen, K. (Organiser), Svøðstein, J. (Organiser), Thomsen, M. J. (Organiser) & Xin, Q. (Organiser)
18 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organising a conference, workshop, ...
Raskir dreingir Genom at greina, tað er vár hugur ... - um hagfrøðisliga forkanning av 10 heil-genom DNA
Gislason, H. (Speaker)
25 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Highlights of the BMC Series – November 2023 - BMC Series blog
1 item of Media coverage
Whole genomes from the population of the Faroe Islands -
1 item of Media coverage
Whole genomes from the population of the Faroe Islands - BMC Series blog
1 Media contribution
Fyrsta vísindaliga greinin um allan arvastreingin hjá føroyingum -
1 item of Media coverage
Samrøða á kvf um allan arvastrongin hjá føroyingum - Góðan morgun Føroyar 29.11.23.
1 item of Media coverage
Growth and optical characterisation of GaAs quantum wires
Gislason, H. (Author), Hvam, J. M. (Supervisor), 28 Oct 1997Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Magnetokapacitet af todimensionale elektronsystemer i halvlederstrukturer
Gislason, H. (Author), Per Hansen, O. (Supervisor), 3 Oct 1992Student thesis: Master's Thesis