Eyðfinn Magnussen

Eyðfinn Magnussen

Associate professor

  • Vestara Bryggja 15, FO-100 Tórshavn

    Faroe Islands

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1992 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

My current CV here


Current position   

Associated Professor of Biology. University of the Faroe Islands, Faculty of Science and Technology. Vestara Bryggja 15, FO-100 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands.

Lecturing in different biological disciplines, mainly concerning ecology.Education

MSc (1993) University of Copenhagen.
Title of the MSc thesis: Why is the cod growing faster on the Faroe Bank than on the Faroe Plateau? Growth experiments and genetic investigations of cod from the two areas.


2013 -: Employed as Associated Professor of Biology at the University of the Faroe Islands, Faculty of Science and Technology.

2010 – 2013: Employed as Associated Professor of Biology. Responsible for the biology study at the University of the Faroe Islands, Faculty of Science and Technology.

2000 -2010: Employed full-time as Assistant Professor of Biology. Responsible for the biology study at the University of the Faroe Islands, Faculty of Science and Technology.

1994- 2000:  60% employed in the same position.

1994- 2000: 40% scientific position at the Faroese Fisheries Laboratory (Now, Faroe Marine Research Institute).  Responsible for Faroe Bank.


2001-2007: Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Faroe Islands.

1998- 2007: Member of the Council of the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Related work Experience

2019 -:    Member of the editorial board Faroese Scientific Journal (Fróðskaparrit)

2010- 2016:    Member and Faroes node leader of ‘The Nordic Centre for Research on Marine Ecosystems and Resources under Climate Change (NorMER) , which is a Nordic Centre of Excellence funded by NordForsk, on behalf of the Top-Level Research Initiative (TRI).  It consists of 45 researchers from 10 research units situated within all of the Nordic territories. This collaborative project combines the expertise of internationally recognized research teams to implement a multidisciplinary research strategy to explore the biological, economic, and societal consequences of global climate change on fisheries resources in the Nordic region, with a primary focus on the Atlantic cod.

2009-    Member of ‘Nordic Network in Evolutionary Conservation Biology’. The network will bring together students and scientists working on topics related to evolutionary conservation biology, ecology, genetics, evolution, physiology and animal breeding to create positive synergy among these related fields.

2005-    Member of the Nordic network MADFish (Molecular Adaptation in Fish), financed by the ‘Nordic Research Board’. The activities of the MADFish network centre around research on natural selection, fitness variation and molecular adaptation in non-mammalian vertebrates with emphasis on marine and freshwater fish under changing environmental conditions.

March 2003 - 2005:    Member of the committee responsible for the environmental investigations of the effects on Funningsfjørð, caused by a hydro-electric power project.

2000-2001:    Member of the committee for the ‘Faroese Society of Science and Letters (Føroya Fróðskaparfelag).

1998-2000:    Member of the committee for the ‘Faroese Ornithological Society’ (Føroya Fuglafrøðifelag).


Research interests

During the last years, my research focus has mainly ben on:

Small mammals, hare, rat, and mouse, living on the Faroe Islands.

Mountain hare (Lepus timidus): Describe the general biology of the Faroese mountains hare.

Running projects: Population size and fluctuation - Population genetics - Hunting statistic - Migration and dispersal - Time of molting. Additional, there are plan for future projects on Food and feeding.

Faroese rats (Rattus norvegicus). Currently, I am working on Faroese rat.  I collect rats from different places around islands. I have around 250 specimens of the brown rat in my freezer. They are collected from 24 locations on 6 of the 7 islands, where the brown rats live in the Faroes Islands.  Eleven of the islands are free of rats.

At the moment we are working with population genetic on the Faroes rats. The aim of this work is to get answers to the following questions:

     1) Are there genetic differences between rats in different places in the Faroe Islands?

     2) Where did the Faroese rats came from?

Faroese house mouse (Mus musculus): Population genetics and biology of the Faroese house mouse.

House Sparrow: Studie of the Faroese House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). The study encompasses of the general biology, population size, movement, life-history and population structure.

Fish Ecology: My main scientific work has been on fish assemblages on the Faroe Bank. Focus has been on the species composition, spatial and temporal distribution, food and feeding habits of the fish species living on the Bank.I am contributing in a big Nordic project, “Nordic Centre for Research on Marine Ecosystems and Resources under Climate Change” (NorMER). NorMER brings together expertise of leading research groups from all Nordic countries and several North American institutions, to implement a collective and multidisciplinary research strategy to explore the biological, economic, and management consequences of global climate change on fisheries resources. Currently, we are running 17 PhD and 8 Postdoc projects.

Additionally, the studies have been conducted on genetic structure of the fish population, life-history and the effect of climate change on the distribution patterns of Faroese fish species.

Population genetics: Studies have been carried on genetic structure of different organism living in and around the Faroe Islands. Investigations have been done on different fish species living on the Faroe Bank, o the Faroese eel (Anguilla Anguilla), on Faroese rats (Rattus norvegicus), Faroese house mouse (Mus musculus), and Faroese hares (Lepus timidus). Currently, we work on a project on the genetic structure and origin of the Faroese House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), as well as the genetic structure and origin of the Faroese people. 



In my position at the University of the Faroe Islands, I have been lecturing in the following 86 courses:


I have also been the responsible instructor for 27 different courses, held 90 times op to now (see table below). As the responsible instructor, I have the official responsibility and managing authority for these courses. This includes, e.g., planning and revising the courses (preparation of course description and instructional plan), lecturing and arranging potential lecturers and arranging examinations.



Up to now, I have been supervisor for one PhD, three master and 27 bachelor projects, listed below.



Katharina Maj Ottosen (2012-2016). Spatial distribution of cod on the Faroe Plateau in relation to climate and other environmental conditions.


MSc project

Jennifer A. Koester (2022). Trying to grow like a weed: The impact of partial harvests on Alaria esculenta yield, quality, and cost.

Bjarta Osberg Johansen (2021). Microbial biodiversity of sediments under salmon aquaculture farms. 

Meinhard Poulsen (2005). Yearly variations in abundance and fish sizes of late pelagic cod juveniles (Gadus morhua L.) in the Faroe area described by the otolith microstructure. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


BSc projects               

Hans Meinhard í Eyðansstovu (2023). Influence of the New Zealand Flatworm on the earthworm community of the Faroe Islands.

Andrea Midjord (2022). Counting of the outfield birds of Norðarahaga norðarari partur throughout the summer of 2022. [Teljing av heiðafuglinum í Norðarahaga norðaraparti í Skúvoynni ígjøgnum summarið 2022].

Malan E.T. Joensen (2022). Coastal ecosystems with and without lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus).

Maria Poulsen (2021). Length-weight relationship and condition factors of fish on the Faroes Plateau. [Længde-vægt forhold og konditionsfaktor for fisk under Færøerne].

Teitur Bendtse (2021). Color change and shelter color preference in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus).

Jórun Pólsdóttir (2019). Diet and micro plastic ingestion in pelagic fish in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Elsa Elsa Berg (2019). Optimizing the production of seeding material for cultivation of sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima).

Bjarta Osberg Johansen (2018). Population genetics of house sparrow (Passer domesticus) in the Faroe Islands.

Barbara Løwe Sørensen. (2018). Temperature influence on roe fertilization in Atlantic Salmon aquaculture.

Nakita E. Joensen (2017). Growth and Welfare of Juvenile Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus).

Ari Jespersen (2014). Steps towards next generation sequencing of Haemoglobin.

Lars Larsen Black (2011). Investigation of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in three Faroese lakes.

Helga Bára Morh Vang and Hannipoula Olsen (2010). Effect of climate change on the distribution patterns of fish species around the Faroe Islands.

Jógvan Fróði Garðshorn Hansen (2010). Chaetopterus sp. (Polychaeta: Chaetopteridae) from the Faroe Islands, compared to species likely to inhabit the area.

Noomi Gregersen and Heidi S. Hansen (2007). A study on the Faroese mice: an attempt to clarify whether the Faroese mice are Mus musculus musculus or Mus musculus domesticus, if the mice are different between the islands and the origin of the mice.

Hugin K. Mortensen (2007). Blue Mussels as biomarkers: An investigation of the charerteristics of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) as biomarkers in the marine coastal environment (in Danish) [Blåmuslinger som biomarkører: En undersøgelse af blåmuslingens (Mytilus edulis) egenskaber som biomarkører i det marine, kystnære miljø].

Marita Debess Magnussen (2004): Ecology of poor cod (Trisopterus minutus) on the Faroe Bank.

Jack Hummeland Jacobsen and John Joensen (2004): Comparison of bait in longline fishery.

Sølvi Espeland and Petra E. Hansen (2004): Prevention of Saprolegnia on Rainbow trout eggs.

Agnes Mols Mortensen (2002): Sublittoral macroalgae community on Suðuroy. Three localities with different degree of exposure (in Danish) [Sublittorale makroalgesamfund på Suðuroy. Tre lokaliteter med forskellig eksponeringsgrad].

Fróði Bjarkason Skúvadal (2002): Diet of gannet - stomach analyses of gannet chicks from Mykineshólm (in Danish) [Sulens fødevalg - maveundersøgelser af suleunger i Mykines holm].

Ingi Joensen (2002): IPN and stress in relation to size distribution of Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar L.).

Kirstin Eliasen and Laura Mary Jacobsen (2002): Distribution and number of the house sparrows on the Faroe Islands, investigated from a metapopulation perspective (in Danish). [Gråspurvens udbredelse og antal på Færøerne set ud fra et metapopulations perspektiv].

Vivie Kirke Petersen (2002): Potato growing experiments on the Faroe Islands (in Faroese) [Royndir við eplavelting í Føroyum].

Gunvør á Norði and Meinhard Poulsen (2000): Food and feed possibilities of cod and haddock juveniles on the Faroe Shelf and on the Faroe Bank. (in Danish) [Føde og fødevalg hos torske- og kulleryngel på Færøplateauet og Færøbanken].

Hjørdis Joensen Højsted (2000): Can the stomach content in net-hatched puffins reveal changes in their food supply? (in Danish) [Kan maveindeholdet hos flejede lunder afsløre ændringer i fødetilgangen].

Beinta Johannesen (1998): Food and feed possibilities of black guillemot (Cepphus grylle), eider (Somateria mollisima) and top cormorant (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) around the Faroe Islands (in Danish) [Føde og fødevalg hos tejst, Cepphus grylle, edderfugl, Somateria mollisima og topskarv, Phalacrocorax aristotelis ved Færøerne].


Publication list

A summary of my publications (April 202) is as follows:

Conferences papers9
Cruise Reports22
Books or part of books8
Educational material1
Popular science81
TV & Radio broadcasts60


Magnussen, E., Stensvold, C. R., Berg, R., Jokelainen, P., Haukisalmi, V. (2023). Identification of the tapeworm Mosgovoyia pectinata (Anoplocephalidae) in Faroese mountain hares (Lepus timidus). International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 21, 17-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.03.006.

Ferraguti, M., Magallanes,S., Magnussen, E., Marzal, A. and 38 others (2021). Environmental, geographical, and time-related impacts on avian malaria infection in introduced and native populations of house sparrow (Passer domesticus), a globally invasive species. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 32, 809-823. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13651.


Verbrugge, L.N.H., Bjarnason, G., Fagerholm, N., Magnussen, E., Mortensen, L., Olsen, E., Plieninger, T., Raymond, C.M., Olafsson, A.S., 2022. Navigating overgrazing and cultural values through narratives and participatory mapping: a socio-cultural analysis of sheep grazing in the Faroe Islands. Ecosyst People 18, 289-302

Puckett, E.E., Magnussen, E., Khylap.L.A., Strand,T.M., Lundkvist, Å., Munshi-South, J. (2020). Genomic analyses reveal three independent introductions of the invasive brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) to the Faroe Islands. Electronic publication Heredity, 124: 15-27.

Giska,I., Farelo,L., Pimenta, J., Seixas, F.A., Ferreira, M.S., P Marques, J., Miranda, I., Letty , J., Jenny , H., Hackländer , K., Magnussen , E., Melo-Ferreira J.M. (2019). Introgression drives repeated evolution of winter coat color polymorphism in hares. PNAS, 116 (48): 24150-24156.

Plieninger,T., Rana, H.A., Fagerholm,N., Ellingsgaard,G.F., Magnussen,E., Raymond, C., Olafsson, A.S., Verbrugge, L. (2018). Identifying and assessing the potential for conflict between landscape values and development preferences on the Faroe Islands. Global Environmental Change, 52: 162-174.

Johannesen,A., Joensen, N.E., Magnussen, E. (2018). Shelters can negatively affect growth and welfare in lumpfish if feed is delivered continuously. PeerJ 6 (2):e4837.

Ottosen, K.M., Steingrund,P., Magnussen, E,. Payne, M.R (2018). Distribution and timing of spawning Faroe Plateau cod in relation to warming spring temperatures. Fisheries Research, 198: 14-23.

Jensen, J.K. and Magnussen, E. (2017). Flea species (Insecta, Siphonaptera) from the Faroe Islands. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 64: 22-27.

Ottosen,K.M., Pedersen,M.W., Eliasen, S.K., Steingrund,P. , Magnussen, E., Rasmussen,T.A.S. (2017). Migration patterns of the Faroe Plateau cod (Gadus morhua, L.) revealed by data storage tags. Fisheries Research, 195: 37-45

Jacobsen, M.W., Smedegaard,L., Sørensen,S.R., Pujolar,J.M., Munk,P. Jónsson.B., Magnussen, E., M.M. Hansen (2016). Assessing pre- and post-zygotic barriers between North Atlantic eels (Anguilla anguilla and A. rostrata)? Heredity, 9 November 2016, 1–10.


Jensen, J.K. and Magnussen, E. (2015) . Occurrence of fleas (Siphonaptera) and lice (Phthiraptera) on Faroese rats (Rattus norvegicus). Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 62: 154-159.

Jensen P.M. and Magnussen, E. (2015) Is it too cold for Leptospira interrrogans transmission on the Faroese Islands? Infectious Diseases, 48 (2): 156-160.

J.M. Pujolar, M.W. Jacobsen, T.D. Als, J. Frydenberg, E. Magnussen, B. Jonsson, X. Jiang, L. Cheng, D. Bekkevold, G.E Maes, L. Bernatchez and M.M. Hansen (2014). Assessing patterns of hybridization between North Atlantic eels using diagnostic single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Heredity, 112: 627-637.

Marzal A, Ricklefs RE, Valkiūnas G, Albayrak T, Arriero E, Bonneaud C, Czirják GA, Ewen J, Hellgren O, Hořáková D, Iezhova TA, Jensen H, Križanauskienė A, Lima MR, de Lope F, Magnussen E, Martin LB, Møller AP, Palinauskas V, Pap PL, Pérez-Tris J, Sehgal RN, Soler M, Szöllősi E, Westerdahl H, Zetindjiev P, Bensch S. (2011). Diversity, loss, and gain of malaria parasites in a globally invasive bird. PLoS One. 6 (7). Epub 2011 Jul 11.

Magnussen, E. (2011). Food and feeding habits of cod (Gadus morhua L.) on the Faroe Bank. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(9): 1909-1917.

Jones, E., Jensen, J.K, Magnussen, E., Gregersen, N., Hansen, H. and Searle, J. (2010). A molecular characterization of the charismatic Faroe house mouse. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 102: 471-482.

Magnussen, E and Jensen,J.K. (2010). Breeding biology of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) in the Faroe Islands.  Fróðskaparrit, 58: 125-132.

Magnussen, E and Jensen,J.K. (2009). Ringing recoveries of house sparrow (Passer domesticus) in the Faroe Islands during the years 1963-2007.  Fróðskaparrit, 57: 183-190.

Magnussen, E. and Magnussen, M.D. (2009). Ecology of poor cod (Trisopterus minutus) on the Faroe Bank, Marin Biology Research, 5: 133-142.

Nielsen, E.E., MacKenzie, B.R., Magnussen, E., Meldrup,D. (2007). Historical analysis of Pan I in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): temporal stability of allele frequencies in the southeastern part of the species distribution. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 64(10): 1448–1455.

Magnussen, E. (2007). Interpopulation comparison of growth patterns of 14 fish species on Faroe Bank: are all fish species on the bank fast-growing? Journal of Fish Biology, 71: 453-475.

Bengtson, S.A., Eliasen, K., Jacobsen, L.M. and Magnussen, E. (2004). A history of colonization and current status of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) in the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit, 51: 237-251.

Magnussen, E. (2002). Demersal fish assemblages of the Faroe Bank: Species composition, distribution, biomass spectrum and diversity.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 238: 211-225


Conferences papers

Miranda,I., Ferelo,L., Hackländer,K., Magnussen,E., Reid,N., Montgomery,W.I., Alves,P.C. Fereira,J.M. (2016). Characterizing Population Differentiation and Genetic Variation in Candidate Genes in Mountain Hare Populations with Distinct Coat Color Phenotypes. Poster.

Ottosen, K.M., Pedersen, M. W., Eliasen, S.K., Steingrund, P., Magnussen, E. and Rasmussen, T.S, (2015). Migration and behaviour of the Faroe Plateau cod. Poster.

Nielsen, E.E, MacKenzie, B.R, Magnussen, E, Meldrup D. (2007). Molecular methods for assessing temporal adaptive changes in fish populations; a case study employing historical analysis of Pan I in cod (Gadus morhua). ICES-CM, E 16.

Magnussen, E. (2003). Demersal fish assemblages of Faroe Bank. Faroese Fisheries Laboratories. Workshop on Ecosystem Modelling of Faroese Waters Tórshavn 24-26 September 2002. p. 31-35.

Magnussen, E. (2002). Nature - An environment in equilibrium. Lecture given at the energy and environmental symposium in the Nordic House in Torshavn May 3th, 2002. [Náttúran - Eitt umhvørvi í javnvág. Fyrilestur hildin á Orku- og Umhvørvisrástevnuni í Norðurlandahúsinum 3. mai 2002] NVDrit 2002:08. p. 1-5.

Fjallstein, I. and Magnussen, E. (1996). Growth of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) of Faroe Bank strain and Faroe Plateau strain in captivity. - ICES-CM, F 12: 1-16.

Magnussen, E. (1996): Electrophoretic studies of cod (Gadus morhua) from Faroe Bank and Faroe Plateau compared with results found in other areas. ICES-CM, G 10, 1-18.

Magnussen, E. (1992). What did the cod eat on the Faroe Bank during the period Jun 5-9, 1992. (in Danish).[Hvad spiste torsken på Færøbanken i perioden 5. - 9. juni 1992]. Seminar om Færøbanken. Torshavn 12.- 3. november 1992. p. 101-110.

Magnussen, E. (1992). Why is the cod growing faster on the Faroe Bank than on the Faroe Plateau. A review of investigations carries out on the Faroe Bank mainly focusing on cod (in Danish)]. [Hvorfor vokser torsken hurtigere på Færøbanken end på Færøplateauet. En gennemgang av undersøgelser udført på Færøbanken med særlig vægt på torsk. Seminar om Færøbanken]. Torshavn 12.- 3. november 1992. p. 83-100.




Magnussen, E. (2022). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2021 and other issues regarding the Faroese hare.  (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2021 og annað tilfar um føroysku haruna], NVDrit 2022:02, p. 1-56

Magnussen, E. (2021). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2020 and other issues regarding the Faroese hare.  (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2020 og annað tilfar um føroysku haruna], NVDrit 2021:01, p. 1-57.

Magnussen, E. (2020). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2019 and other information of Faroese hare (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2019 og annað tilfar um føroysku haruna],  NVDrit 2020:05, p. 1-29.

Magnussen, E. (2019). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2018 and the past history of ptarmigan and red grouse in the Faroe Islands (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2018, og søgan um rýpurnar, sum fyrr vóru í Føroyum]. NVDrit 2019:02, p. 1-102.

Magnussen, E. (2018). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2017 (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2017]. NVDrit 2018:01, p. 1-51.

Magnussen, E. (2017). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2016 (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2016]. NVDrit 2017:02, p. 1-42.

Magnussen, E. (2017). The Faroes hare and hare hunting in the Faroe Islands (in Faroese). [Ymiskt um føroysku haruna og haruskjóting í Føroyum]. NVDrit 2017:01, p. 1-14.

Magnussen, E. (2016). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2015 (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2015]. NVDrit 2016:02, p. 1-44.

Magnussen, E. (2015). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2014 and other information of Faroese hare (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2014 og annað tilfar um føroysku haruna],  NVDrit 2015:01, p. 1-75.

Magnussen, E. (2014). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2013 (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2013]. NVDrit 2014:02, p. 1-57.

Mikalsen, S.O., Joensen,H., Debes, H.H and Magnussen, E. (2013). Uppskot til endurskoðan av BSc-útbúgvingini í lívfrøði á Fróðskaparsetri Føroya. [Proposal for a revision of the BSc-program in Biology at the University of the Faroe Islands]. NVDrit 2013:13, p. 1-59.

Magnussen, E. (2013). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2012 (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum 2012]. NVDrit 2013:02, p. 1-44.

Mikalsen,S.O. and Magnussen, E. (2012). Nordmarine Meeting - University of the Arctic An educational co-operation among universities in the Arctic region and the formation of the thematic network "Northern fisheries". NVDrit 2012:01, p. 1-29.

Block, D., Dahl, M.D., Magnussen, E., Skaaning, S.B. (2011). Zoological reference list of the Faroe Islands. p. 1-95. Updated 23 February 2011.

Olsson,J.; Aho,T.; Florin, A.B.; Vainikka, A.; Bekkevold, D.; Dannewitz, J.; Hindar, K.; Koljonen, M.L.; Laikre, L.; Magnussen, E.; Pálsson, S. (2007): Genetic research on commercially exploited fish species in Nordic countries. TemaNord 2007:542, pp.153, ISBN 978-92-893-1508-1.

Dannewitz, J.; Florin, A.B.; Petersson, E.; Nielsen, E.; Magnussen, E.; Dahle, G.; Merilä, J.; Heino, M.; Skúlason, S.; Aho, T.; Järvi; T.; Johansen, T. (2007): Genetic consequences of fisheries and fisheries management Report from a multi-disciplinary workshop, Rönne, Bornholm, 25–26 October 2006.TemaNord 2007:573. pp.53. ISBN 978-92-893-1549-4.

Magnussen, E. (2006). Genetic activities on fish in the Faroe Islands. NVDrit 2006:09. p. 1-7.

Gaard,E., Hansen,M.G., Heinesen,S., Jacobsen,H., Magnussen, E. (2005): Environmental investigation of the effects on Funningsfjørð, caused by the hydro-electric power project by SEV - a preliminary report (in Faroese) [Árinskanning av Funningsfirði í samband við vatnorkuútbygging hjá SEV - Ávegis frágreiðing]. Report. p.1-19.

Arneri, E., Bergström, N., Cardinale, M., Claes, E., Clevestam, P., de Clerck, N., Doering-Arjes, P., Donato, F., Giannetti, G., Hall, R., Jakupsstovu, H., Kastowsky, M., Magnussen, E., Mosegaard, H., Mouritsen, R., Patwardhan, A., Paulsen, H., Sasov, A., Sayles, R., Schatz, M., Schmidt, R., van Dyck, D., van Heel, M. and Wickström, H. (2002) Fish ageing by otolith shape analysis: Final report to the European Commission. 204 p.

Holk, K., Lecklin, T., Magnussen, E. and Møller, P. R. (1997) Antifreeze activity in body fluids of some marine fishes from the Disko Bay and Disko Fjord. p. 6-13. Report from a NorFA-course at the Arctic Station, University of Copenhagen in Godhavn, Greenland 8-22 August 1997.

Magnussen, E. (1995). Årsberetning fra Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havunder-søgelser 1951 -1987. Uddrag, der vedrører Færøerne. NVDrit 1995:03. p. 1-93.

Magnussen, E. (1995). An overview of stations sampled on the Faroe Bank during the years 1902 to 1995. NVDrit 1995:02. p. 1-32.

Magnussen, E (1994). Stomach content of cod, haddock, saithe and 10 other fish species on the Faroe Bank in the period April 11-17 1994: FRS smárit 94/xx.

Magnussen, E. (1994). The cod on the Faroe Bank. A comparison of stomach contents sampled on the bank in 3 periods 1992 and 1994: FRS smárit 94/xx.

Magnussen, E. (1993). Why is the cod growing faster on the Faroe Bank than on the Faroe Plateau? Growth experiments and genetic investigations of cod from the two areas (in Danish) [Hvorfor vokser torsken hurtigere på Færøbanken end på Færøplateauet? Vækstforsøg og genetiske undersøgelser af torsk fra de to områder]. MSc thisis, University of Copenhagen. p. 1-104.


Cruise Reports

Magnussen, E. (2013). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 5-10 September 2013 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 5-10 september 2013] NVDrit 2013:12. p. 1-7.

Magnussen, E. (2008). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 3-10 September 2008 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 3-10 september 2008 . NVDrit 2008:06. p. 1-7.

Magnussen, E. (2007). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 5-12 September 2007 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 5-12 september 2007 . NVDrit 2007:11. p. 1-7.

Magnussen, E. (2006). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 7-11 September 2006 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 7-11 september 2006 . NVDrit 2006:10. p. 1-7.

Magnussen, E. (2005). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 7-12 September 2005 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 7-12 september 2005 . NVDrit 2005:09. p. 1-6.

Magnussen, E. (2004). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 8-15 September 2004 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 8-15 september 2004 . NVDrit 2004:13. p. 1-14.

Magnussen, E. (2003). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 11-16 September 2003 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 11-16 september 2003 . NVDrit 2003:11. p. 1-9.

Magnussen, E. (2003). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank March 27th- April 1th  2003 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 27. mars - 1. apríl 2003]. NVDrit 2003:06. p. 1-10.

Magnussen, E. (2002). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 12-17th September 2002 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 12.-17. september 2002]. NVDrit 2002:17. p. 1-10.

Magnussen, E. (2002). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 4-8th April 2002 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 4.-8. apríl 2002]. NVDrit 2002:16. p. 1-5.  

Magnussen, E. (2001). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 12-19th September 2001 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 12.-19. september 2001]. NVDrit 2001:02. p. 1-12.

Magnussen, E. (2001). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank 29th March - 4. April 2001 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 29. mars - 4. apríl 2001]. NVDrit 2001:01. p. 1-10.  

Magnussen, E. (2000). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank September15-19th 2000 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 15.-19. september 2000]. NVDrit 2000:02. p. 1-4.

Magnussen, E. (2000). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank March 29th - April 5th 2000 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 29. mars - 5. apríl 2000]. NVDrit 2000:01. p. 1-3.

Magnussen, E. (1999). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank September 17-21th 1999 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 17.-21. september 1999]. NVDrit 1999:01. p. 1-4.

Magnussen, E. (1998). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank September 17-22th 1998 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 17.-12. september 1998]. NVDrit 1998:02. p. 1-10.

Magnussen, E. (1998). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank March 19-23th 1998 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 19.-23. mars 1998]. NVDrit 1998:01. p. 1-10.

Magnussen, E. (1997). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank September 3th-9th 1997 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 3.-.9. september 1997]. NVDrit 1997:02. p. 1-18.

Magnussen, E. (1997). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank April 21th-25th 1997 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 21.-25. apríl 1997]. NVDrit 1997:01. p. 1-3.

Magnussen, E. (1996). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank September 4th-11th 1996 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 4.-11. september 1996]. NVDrit 1996:02. p. 1-2.

Magnussen, E. (1996). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank March 22th-31th 1996 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 22.-31. mars 1996]. NVDrit 1996:01. p. 1-2.

Magnussen, E. (1995). Cruise report: Results from the groundfish trawl survey on Faroe Bank May 4th-10th1995 (in Faroese). [Túrfrágreiðing: Úrslit frá yvirlitstrolingini á Føroyabanka 4.-10. may 1995]. NVDrit 1995:01. p. 1-2.


Books or part of books

Raymond, C., Verbrugge, L., Fagerholm, N., Olafsson, A. S., Magnussen, E., & Plieninger, T. (2021). Exploring Senses of Place Through Narratives of Tourism Growth and Place Change. In Changing Senses of Place: Navigating Global Challenges. (pp. 79-91). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108769471.009

Magnussen, E. (2021). Marine annimals. (in Danish). [Dyrelivet í havet]. in Trap Færøerne, p. x-xx. Ed. ???. Submitted December 2020.

Magnussen, E. (2020). The Faroese hare and hare hunting in the Faroe Islands (in Faroese) [Føroysk haran og haruveiðan í Føroyum]. in Hagar og Seyðamark, p. 253-262. K. Thorsteinsson.

Magnussen, E. (2020). Kort sum vísir ásseyðatalið í teimum 480 høgunum í Føroyum. in Hagar og Seyðamark, p. 77-79. K. Thorsteinsson.

Danielsen, F., Enghoff, M., Magnussen, E., Mustonen, T., Hansen, K. K., Levermann, N., Mathiesen, S.D., Slettemark, Ø.  (2017). Citizen science tools for engaging local stakeholders and promoting local and traditional knowledge in landscape stewardship. Chap. 5. p. 80-98. in The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship.  Ed. Bieling, C. and Plieninger, T. Cambridge University Press. 388 pp.

Bengtson, S. A., Eliasen, K., Jacobsen, L. M. and Magnussen, E. (2010). Man-dependence of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) in the Faroe Islands: habitat patch characteristics as determinants of presence and numbers. In Dorete - her book, pp. 227-243. Ed. by S. A. Bengtson, P. Buckland, P. H. Enckell and A. M. Fosaa. Faroe University Press, Torshavn.

Magnussen, E. (2008). Fish taxonomy; described with examples with fishes from the Faroe Bank. (in Faroese) [Fiskaskipanin; lýst við dømum við fiskinum á Føroyabanka]. 41 pages, Føroya Skúlabókagrunnur.

Gaard,E., Hansen,B., Jacobsen,J.A., Magnussen,E., Mikkelsen,B., Olsen,B., Steingrund,P., Sørensen,J. (2006). The Sea around the Faroes [Havið kring Føroyar]. in Føroya Náttúra – Lívfrøðiligt margfeldi [Diversity in the Faroese Nature] (Kap.3 p.37- 69). Editors: Fossa,A.M., Gaard,E. and Dalsgarð,J., 270 pages, Føroya Skúlabókagrunnur.


Educational material

Magnussen, E. (2003). Fish Taxonomy – Compendium for education in Fish Biology. (in Faroese) [Fiskasystematikkur – hefti til undirvísing í fiskalívfrøði]. NVDrit 2003:10, p.1-23.


Popular science

Magnussen, E. (2021). Report on hare hunting (in Danish). [Rapport om harejagt]. Jagt & Jægere, August/September. p. 16-17.

Magnussen, E. (2021). Birds along the beach of Eysturkommunu (in Faroese) [Fuglar við sjóvarmálan í Eysturkommunu]. Outdoor poster, July 2021.

Magnussen, E. (2021). Birds with the lake of Toftavatn (in Faroese). [Fuglar við Toftavatn)]. Outdoor poster, April 2021.

Magnussen, E. (2020). Birds in the plantation (in Trongisvági). [Fuglar í Viðarlundini (í Trongisvági)]. Outdoor poster, May 2020.

Magnussen, E. (2019). The Faroese hare and hare hunting in the Faroe Islands (in Faroese) [Føroysk haran og haruveiðan í Føroyum]. Frøði nr. 2, p. 14-23.

Magnussen, E. (2019). Rats have invaded the Faroe Islands three times. (in Faroese) [Rottan er komin til Føroyar í trimum umførum]. Frøði nr. 2, p. 44-47.

Magnussen, E. (2019). Birds in the plantation (in Tórshavn). [Fuglar í Viðarlundini (í Havn)]. Outdoor poster, July 2019.

Magnussen, E. (2018). Report on hare hunting in the Faroe Islands (in Danish). [Raport om harejagt på Færøerne], Jagt & Jægere, 2018 Aug./Sep. p. 14-15.

Magnussen, E. (2018). When the brown rat was released by man on the islands of Kunoy (in Faroese) [Tá rottan varð slept í Kunoynna]. Frøði nr. 2, p. 26-29. Dimmalætting  nr .7, 15. Feb. p. 24-25. Sosilaurin nr. 22, 22 Feb. p. 22-23. 

Magnussen, E. (2018). Hare hunting in the Faroe Islands. (in Danish). [Harejagt på Færøerne]. Hunters Magazine.com.

Magnussen, E. (2017). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands 2016. (in Danish). [Jagt på hare på Færøerne i 2016]. Jagt & Jægere, 2017 Juni/Juli. p. 7.

Magnussen, E. (2016). Hare Hunting - Only for men [Haruskjóting – Ein mannfólkaítrótt burturav]. Text read out in the Faroese radio 19 December.

Magnussen, E. (2016). Is hare overexploited? [Verður ov nógv skotið?]. Text read out in the Faroese radio 12 December.

Magnussen, E. (2016). How long lives a hare? [Hvussu leingi livir ein hara]. Text read out in the Faroese radio 5 December.

Magnussen, E. (2016). Sale and prices of the hunting fields. (in Faroese). [Søla og prísir á haruhøgum]. Text read out in the Faroese radio 28. November.

Magnussen, E. (2016). The hare hunting in the Faroe Islands - How much is shot and the importance of this. (in Faroese).  [Haruveiðan í Føroyum – Hvussu nógv verður skotið og týdningurin av hesum]. Text read out in the Faroese radio 21. November

Magnussen, E. (2016). The Hare hunting in the Faroe Islands and how it is organized. (in Faroese).  [Haruveiðan í Føroyum og hvussu hon er skipað]. Text read out in the Faroese radio 14. November

Magnussen, E. (2016). The Faroes hare. (in Faroese). [Føroyska haran].Text read out in the Faroese radio 7. November

Magnussen, E., Jensen, J.K.  (2016). Nýggja rottukanningin - Sjáldsamar loppur á føroyskum rottum. Frøði nr. 1, p. 30-33.

Magnussen, E. (2016). The hare catches last year was less than half of what it was in 2014 (in Faroese) [Haruveiðan í fjør var minni enn helvtina av tí hon var í 2014].  Dimmalætting 8. April, p. 8-9 & Sosialurin 25. mai. p. 20-21.

Magnussen, E. (2015). Haruveiðan bert ein fjórðing í ár í mun til í fjør. Sosialurin 16. Desember, p. 39. and WebNews 17. desember.

Magnussen, E. (2015). Citizen Science in the Faroe Islands: Helps both hunters and animals (in Danish). [Borgervidenskab på Færøerne hjælper både jægerne og dyrene] Webpage Videnskab.dk, 10. August.

Magnussen, E. (2015). Citizen Science in the Faroe Islands: Helps both hunters and animals. Webpage  ScienceNordic.com, 1. August.

Magnussen, E. (2015). Facebook was the key to collecting data for the Faroese hare hunt (in Danish).  [Facebook var nøglen til indsamling af data for den færøske harejagt]. Jagt & Jægere, 2015 Juni/Juli. p. 6-9.

Magnussen, E. (2015). More than 1,200 shooters participated in the hare-hunting in the Faroes Islands in 2014 (in Faroese) [Yvir 1.200 mans skutu harur í Føroyum í 2014]. Sosialurin, 11. mars, p. 16-17.

Magnussen, E. (2014). Investigation of Faroese rats. (in Faroes). [Kanningin av føroyskum rottum]. Web News, 27 November.

Magnussen, E. (2014). The hunting season on hare should be unchanged. (in Faroes). [Best er, at veiðitíðin eftir haru verður sum hon er]. Sosialurin 12. november 2014.

Magnussen, E. (2014). The Faroese hare and hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands (in Faroes). [Føroyska haran og haruveiðan í Føroyum]. Poster.

Magnussen, E. (2014). The Faroese hare and hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands (in Faroes). [Føroyska haran og haruveiðan í Føroyum]. Pamphlet.

Magnussen, E. (2013). Up to now, more than 2000 hares are hunted. (in Faroese).  [Yvir 2000 harur skotnar higartil í ár]. Web News, 19 November. 

Magnussen, E. (2013). Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands in 2012. (in Faroese). [Haruveiðan í Føroyum í 2012]. Nólsoyar harutíðindi 2013, p. 10-13.

Magnussen, E., Jensen, J.K. (2013). How much meat are there on a hare? (in Faroese) . [Hvussu nógv kjøt er á einari haru?]. Nólsoyar harutíðindi 2013, p. 20-21.

Magnussen, E. (2013). Yvir 7000 harur skotnar í 2012. [More than 7000 hares hunted in 2012]. Web News, 26 February. 

Magnussen, E. (2013). Úrslitini frá haruskjótingini í 2012. [Results from the hare hunting 2012]. Web News, 7 January. 

Magnussen, E. (2012).  So fóru staraungarnir á flog – 10 dagar seinkaðir. [Finally, the starling were fledged – 10 days delayed]. Web News, 19 June. 

Magnussen, E. (2012). Nýggjur phd-studentur á NVD. [A new student at NVD] Web News, 14 June.

Magnussen, E. (2012).  Gráspurvurin – Trúfasti granni. [The House Sparrow - a faithful neighbor]. Sosialiurin 13 April.

Magnussen, E. (2011): Kanna føroyskar rottur [Investigating the Faroese rat] Web News, 15 December.

Magnussen. E. (2011). Nýggjur fiskur fingin á Føroyabanka [A new fish species found on the Faroe Bank]. Web News, 16 November.

Magnussen. E. (2011). Starvsfólk frá Heilsufrøðiligu starvsstovuni vitjaðu á Náttúruvísindadeildini [Staff members from the Faroese Food- and veterinary agency visited the Faculty]. Web News, 6 October.

Magnussen. E. (2011). Listeria bakterian helst førd inn á kryvjivirkini [The Listeria bacterium probably brought into the slaughterhouse]. Web News, 1 September.

Magnussen. E. (2011). Kræklingaaling í Føroyum [Farming of blue mussels in the Faroe Islands]. Dimmalætting 24 August.

Magnussen. E. (2011). Kræklingaaling í Føroyum [Farming of blue mussels in the Faroe Islands]. Web News, 17 August.

Magnussen. E. (2011). Fyrilestur um panikkangist [Lecture on panic disorder]. Web News, 4 July.

Magnussen. E. (2011). Sjey nýggir lívfrøðingar frá Setrinum [Seven new biologists from the University]. Web News, 24 June.

Magnussen. E. (2011). Lívfrøðin hjá føroyskum vatnasílum [Describing the biology of the Faroese brown trout]. Web News, 17 June.

Magnussen. E. (2010). Enn ein bachelorur frá Náttúruvísindadeildini [A new bachelor student from the Faculty]. Web News, 20 December.

Magnussen. E. (2010). Setrið - Nordic Centre of Excellence [University of the Faroe Islands - Nordic Centre of Excellence]. Web News, 1 November.

Magnussen, E. (2010): Faroese fish escape from increasing temperature (in Faroese). [Vaksandi hitin fær fiskin undir Føroyum at flyta]. Dimmalætting no 25, 5 February.

Magnussen, E. (2009): When the Faroe Bank cod disappeared from Tangafirði (in Faroese). [Tá Føroyabanka toskurin hvarv í Tangafirði]. Frøði, (2) p.42-43.

Magnussen. E. (2009). Darwin and the theory of biological evolution in the radio.  (in Faroese) [Darwin og menningarlæran í útvarpinum]. Web News, 16 November.

Magnussen. E. (2009). Two more bachelor students from the Faculty of Science and Technology (in Faroese).  [Tveir Bachelorar afturat frá Náttúruvísindadeildini]. Web News, 24 July.

Magnussen. E. (2009). Poor-cod on the Faroe Bank (in Faroese) [Glýsufiskurin á Føroyabanka]. Web News, 16 April.

Magnussen. E. (2008).  Faroese mice visited BBC (in Faroese) [Føroysku mýsnar vitjaðu BBC] (in Faroese).  Web News, 8 October.

Magnussen. E. (2008). New book on fish published (in Faroese) [Nýggj fiskabók útkomin]. Web News, 2 April.

Magnussen, E. (2008). The Faroese coral-fishery, known over the world (in Faroese). [Føroyskur korallfiskiskapur heimskendur]. Sosialurin og Dimmalætting 3 March 2008.

Magnussen. E. (2007). The Pan-gene is still a suitable marker for identifying cod population  (in Faroese)  [Pan-genið er framvegis vælegnað at eyðmerkja toskastovnar]. Web News, 11 December.

Magnussen. E. (2007). Higher consideration for genetic diversity (in Faroese) [Størri atlit til genetiska fjølbroytni]. Web News, 20 November.

Magnussen. E. (2007). Pollution in the harbour of Torshavn (in Faroese) [Dálking á Havnarvág]. Web News, 14 November.

Magnussen, E. (2007). The cod stock on the Faroe Bank still on a low levels (in Faroese).  [Framvegis lítið til av toski á Bankanum]. Web News, 31 October.

Magnussen, E. (2007). The Faroese Rock Pigeon (in Faroese). [Føroyska bládúgvan]. Web News, 6 September.

Magnussen, E. (2007). The Faroes mouse (in Faroese). [Føroyska músin]. Web News, 31 August.

Magnussen, E. (2006): Birds in the plantation in Torhsnav (in Faroese). [Fuglar í Viðarlundini í Havn]. Frágreiðing, Føroya Fuglafrøðifelag nr. 6; p. 21-23.

Magnussen. E. (2006). Only 163 cods in 29 hauls on the Faroe Bank (in Faroese). [Einans 163 toskar í 29 hálum á Føroyabanka]. Web News, 18 September.

Magnussen. E. (2005). Everything points in the wrong direction on Faroe Bank. (in Faroese) [Alt peikar niðureftir á Føroyabanka]. Web News, 24 October.

Magnussen. E. (2005). Why is the size of Faroese sheep so different? (in Faroese) [Hví er miðalvektin á føroyskum seyði so ymisk kring landið ?]. Web News, 13 October.

Magnussen. E. (2005). Birds in the plantation. (in Faroese) [Fuglar í Viðarlundini]. Web News, 17 May 2005.

Magnussen. E. (2005). The Faroe Bank – a paradise for fish growing up (in Faroese) [Føroyabanki – eitt vakstrarparadís hjá fiski]. Web News, 29 April.

Magnussen. E. (2005). DNA-analysis will retrieve the Faroese origins (in Faroese) [DNA-kanningar skulu avdúka føroyska upprunan]. Web News, 7 March 2005.

Magnussen. E., Mouritsen,R. (2005): Giant Squids caught in the Faroes (in Faroes). [Megahøgguslokkar fingnir við Føroyar]. Sosialurin (30), 12 februar.

Magnussen. E. (2005). Fish on the Faroe Bank in better condition. (in Faroese) [Fiskurin á Bankanum er feitari nú]. Web News, 25 January.

Magnussen. E. (2004). The Chiffchaff (in Faroese) [Grannljómarin]. Web News, 15 December.

Magnussen. E. (2004): Jaw of the Faroe Bank cod is not maltreated (in Faroese). [Kjafturin á føroyabankatoskinum er ikki sundurskræddur]. Sosialurin (208), 30 October.

Magnussen. E. (2004). Where has the Faroese house sparrow its origin? (in Faroese) [Hvaðani kemur føroyski gráspurvurin?]. Web News, 10 October.

Magnussen. E. (2004): Big is beautiful - but not always the best (in Faroes). [Big is beautiful - men ikki altíð tað besta]. Sosialurin (51), 8-9.

Magnussen. E. (2004): The basis of Jon Kristiansen’s assessments is wrong (in Faroese). [Stovnsmetingarnar hjá Jón Kristjánsson byggja á skeivt grundarlag]. Sosialurin. p. 11.  3. July.

Magnussen. E. (2003): New spider found in the Faroese (in Faroese). [Nýggjur eiturkoppur funnin í Føroyum]. Frøði, (2) p.15.

Magnussen. E. (2003): Faroe Bank - The Faroese Pride (in Faroese).  [Føroyabanki - Stoltleiki føroyinga]. Ársfrágreiðing. Føroya Fróðskaparsetur. p. 8-10.

  1. Schmidt, O. S Tendal, E. Magnussen (2002). The Faroe Bank - A Potential MPA.WWF briefing :1-2.

Magnussen, E. (1998). Everybody talks about the weather and some people also do something about it (in Faroese). [Øll tosa um veðrið og onkur ger eisini okkurt við tað]. Føroya Fuglafrøðifelag.12.árg. p. 20.

Magnussen. E. (1994): Some words on the Faroe Bank cod (in Faroese). [Nøkur orð um toskin á Føroyabanka]. Oyggjaskeggi, April. p. 1-2.


Television and Radio broadcasts

15 December 2022. What gives the ripened sheep legs (skerpikjøt) a good taste?: [Hvat gevur kjøtinum smakk]. 03:34 minutes TV News in the Faroese television.

15 December 2022. Faroese ripened sheep legs (skerpikjøt): [Skerpikjøt. Innslag í Góðan Morgun Føroyar]. 11:20 minutes. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

21 November 2022. The best investment that has ever been made in the Faroe Islands.  [Besta íløgan, sum nakrantíð er gjørd í Føroyum]. 5:04 minutes TV News in the Faroese television.

2 November 2022. The hares will also be registered this year. [Harurnar skulu aftur skrásetast í ár]. 12:37 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio. https://kvf.fo/gmf?sid=147251

7 November 2021. Investigate toxoplasmosis in Faroese hare [Harur í Føroyum kannast]. 2:34 min. News in the Faroese radio.

15 June 2021. Project on the Faroese house sparrow [Verkætlan um føroyska gráspurvan].

12 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

9 February 2021. The rat – Part 2 [Rotta – 2. partur]. 13:06 min. Radio program for children in the Faroese Radio.

8 February 2021. The rat – Part 1 [Rotta - 1. partur]. 13:19 min. Radio program for children in the Faroese Radio.

20 January 2021. Hare record [Metnógvar harur]. 9 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

2 January 2021. Faroe Islands: Hare, sharks and seabirds. [Færøerne: hare haj og havfugle]. 46 min. Podcast. Spotify.

2 November 2020. The hunting season for hare starts today [Harutíðin byrjar]. 15 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio. https://open.spotify.com/episode/68shARxT8AcyhZfCnto1er?si=0aae2392efb6463c

5 November 2019.  The brown firs time to the Faroes Islands in 1768. [Rottan kom á fyrta sinni til Føroyar í 1768]. 14 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

21 August 2019. How rats invaded the Faroes (3 times). Heredity Podcast: 15 min.


13 March 2019. The radar. Faroe Bank.  [Radarin: Føroyabanki]. 54:24 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio. https://kvf.fo/radarin?sid=92245

  1. January 2019. Hunting season is over. [Harutíðin av á hesum sinni]. 10:43 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio. http://kvf.fo/gmf?sid=89523


19 December 2018. Fewer hare shoot until now. [Færri harur skrásettar higartil]. 8:53 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.  http://kvf.fo/gmf?sid=89113


25 October 2018. Biologists want to know where mice have lived. [Lívfrøðingur vil vita, hvar mýs hava verið]. 10:31 min.. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.


October 2018. Eight short films about the Faroese hare and the hare huning in the Faroe Islands. Shown on  the University of the Faroe Islands website during October 2018. [Átta stuttir filmar um føroysku haruna oig haruskjóting í Føroyum. Vístir á heimasíðuni hjá Fróðskaparsetrinum í oktober 2018.


  1. Føroyska haran. (1. partur). YouTube (7:56 min).


  1. Haruveiðan í Føroyum og hvussu hon er skipað. (2. partur). YouTube (4:16 min).


  1. Haruveiðan í Føroyum – Hvussu nógv verður skotið og týdningurin av hesum. (3. partur). YouTube (8:52 min).


  1. Søla og prísir á haruhøgum. (4. partur). YouTube (6:56 min).


  1. Hvussu leingi livir ein hara. (5. partur). YouTube (6:01 min).


  1. Verður ov nógv skotið. (6. partur). YouTube (5:18 min).


  1. Stovnsrøkt av føroyska harustovninum. (7. partur). YouTube (3:56 min).


  1. Haruskjóting – Ein mannfólkaítrótt burturav. (8. partur). YouTube (4:15 min).


24 January 2018. Get-together. Guest: Eyðfinn Magnussen [Hugnaløtan – Gestur: Eyðfinn Magnussen]. 01:36 hour. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio R7. Ljóðfílurin er ikki complettur er bara 1:06 min Innles fílin av nýggjum - https://r7.fo/news/7407/hugnalotan-9-gestur-eydfinn-magnussen

3 December 2017. Until now, it has been a good season for hare [Gott haruár higartil]. 2:52 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

23 October 2017. Ministry of Interior responsible for the rat [Innlendismálaráðið eigur rottuna] 5:04 minutes TV broadcast in the Faroese television.

7 July 2017. Tell us which places in the Faroe Islands are valuable for you [Sig hvørji støð í Føroyum eru virðismikil fyri teg]. 7:13 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese R7- Radio.

3 July 2017. Evaluate Faroe Islands [Virðismeta Føroyar]. 12:30 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

21 April 2017. Looking for rats from the island Eysturoy [Sóknast eftir rottum úr Eysturoynni]. 12:28 min. min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

1 March 2017. Talk about hare, hare hunting and rats. [Prát um harur, haruveiðu og rottur, í sendingini Essan, hjá R7]. 41 minutes radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

19 January 2017. Much fewer hares registered in 2016 than in previous years. [Væl minni hara skrásett í 2016 enn undanfarin ár]. 19:57 minutes radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

19 December  2016. "Hare Hunting - Only for men" & "The present progress of the hare hunting" ["Haruskjóting – Ein mannfólkaítrótt burturav". & "Gongdin í haruveiðuni higartil í ár"]. 4:03 min. & 6:41 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

12 December 2016. "Is hare overexploited?" & "The present progress of the hare hunting". ["Verður ov nógv skotið?" & "Gongdin í haruveiðuni higartil í ár"]. 6:00 min. & 4:16 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

5 December 2016. "How long lives a hare?" & "The present progress of the hare hunting".["Hvussu leingi livir ein hara?" & "Gongdin í haruveiðuni higartil í ár"]. 7:56 min. & 2:03 min. Radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

28 November 2016. "Sale and prices of the hunting fields". & "The present progress of the hare hunting". ["Søla og prísir á haruhøgum". & "Gongdin í haruveiðuni higartil í ár"]. 5:18 min. & 4:19 min. radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

21 November 2016. "The hare hunting in the Faroe Islands - How much is shot and the importance of this" & "The present progress of the hare hunting". ["Haruveiðan í Føroyum – Hvussu nógv verður skotið og týdningurin av hesum" & "Gongdin í haruveiðuni higartil í ár"]. 4:13 min. & 7:14 min. radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

14 November 2016. "The Hare hunting in the Faroe Islands and how it is organized" & "The present progress of the hare hunting". ["Haruveiðan í Føroyum og hvussu hon er skipað" & "Gongdin í haruveiðuni higartil í ár"]. 4:10 min & 6:26 min radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.  Lurta eftir innsløgunum

7 November 2016. "The Faroes hare" & "The present progress of the hare hunting". ["Føroyska haran” & “Gongdin í haruveiðuni higartil í ár"]. 13:36 minutes radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio. Lurta eftir innsløgunum.

31 October 2016. The rat-law must be updated [Rottulógin má dagførast]. 2:04 minutes TV broadcast in the Faroese television.

17 October 2016. Investigate the color of the Faroese hare [Kanna litin á føroysku haruni]. 2:18 minutes TV broadcast in the Faroese television.

25 January 2015. Faroese rats not so danger as in other places [Rotturnar í Føroyum ikki eins vandamiklar sumg aðrastaðni]. 3:26 minutes radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

12 January 2015. More than 9000 hares hunted in the Faroe Islands in 2014.  [Fleiri enn 9.000 harur skotnar í 2014]. 10:33 minutes radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

4 December 2014: The Cod on the Faroe Bank - Scientific TV-documentaries [Føroyabankatoskurin - Vísindalig sjónvarpssending]. 30 min. Scientific documentaries in the Faroese television.

9 April 2014: The Faroe Bank as a Marine Protected Area [Mugu friða Føroyabanka í allar ævir. Innslag í sendingini “Radarin”]. 19:12 min.  radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

4 January 2014: The hunting season was reasonable [Haruárið royndist rímiliga væl]. 5:09 minutes radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

2 January 2014: Between 6000 and 7000 hares hunted [Millum 6000 og 7000 harur skotnarar]. 5:25 minutes radio broadcast in Rás2.

15 November 2013: 2.152 hares hunted up to now. [2.152 harur higartil í ár]. 3:42 minutes radio broadcast in Rás2.

25 November 2013. Good year for hare hunting (in Faroese). 3:03 minutes TV broadcast in the Faroese television. [Innslag í Degi og Viku um haruveiðina fram til 25. november 2013].

5 January 2013. Haruveiðan í Føroyum í 2012. [Hunting of hare in the Faroe Islands 2012]. 14 minutes radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio.

3 February 2012. Investigating the Faroese rat (in Faroese).2:48 minutes TV broadcast in the Faroese television. [Innslag í Degi og Viku um verkætlan at kanna føroyskar rottur].

19 December 2011. Investigating the Faroese rat (in Faroese) [Kanna føroysku rottuna]. 15 minutes radio broadcast in the Faroese Radio, presenting a project about the Faroese rat.

16 October 2009: Darwin and the theory of biological evolution (in Faroese) [Darwin og menningarlærar]. 55 minute radio broadcast in the Faroes Radio, presenting and discussing the theory of biological evolution.

2 April 2009: 31 minutes Tv-debate, based on the documentary film “det Rosa guld”. The film discusses the ethically in fish farming where 2.5 kg of overexploited fish are used for production of 1 kg of Atlantic salmon. (in Faroese).

12 February 2009: Darwin 200 years (in Faroese) [200 ára føðingardagurin hjá Dawin í sendingini ‘Góðan morgun Føroyar’]. 21 minute radio broadcast in the Faroes Radio.

3 March 2008 The Faroese coral-fishery, known over the world. 2:46 minutes TV broadcast in the Faroese television. [Innslag í Degi og Viku um føroyskan korallfiskiskap].

20 December 2008: Euro-clip - House Mice tell stories (in danish) [Husmus fortæller historie]. 12 minutes radio broadcast in the Danish Radio P1.

24 April 2007: “The Faroe Bank – a paradise for fish growing up” TV-program in Faroese.  [Føroyabanki – eitt vakstrarparadís hjá fiski]. Sjónvarpsfyrilestur í røðini Speki.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water
  • SDG 15 - Life on Land

Education/Academic qualification

Master, Why is the cod growing faster on the Faroe Bank than on the Faroe Plateau? Growth experiments and genetic investigations of cod from the two areas., University College Copenhagen

Award Date: 8 Nov 1993

External positions

Member of the editorial board Faroese Scientific Journal (Fróðskaparrit)

2019 → …


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