Projects per year
Search results
0359 FarGen-PGx: Pharmacogenomics within the Faroese Populatio
Halling, J. (PI) & Gregersen, N. O. (CoPI)
1/08/22 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
0354 Palliativ umsorgan í heiminum: Ein kvalitativ kanning í Føroyum / Palliative Care in the World: A Qualitative Study in the Faroe Islands
Johannesen, E. J. D. (PI), Róin, Á. (PI) & Tim, H. U. (PI)
1/10/21 → 28/02/23
Project: Research
Numerical nearshore model of waves and wave generated current
Abrahamsen, H. (PI), Simonsen, K. (CoPI), McCall, R. (CoI), Niclasen, B. A. (CoPI), Patursson, Ø. (CoPI), á Norði, G. (CoI), Kragesteen, T. J. (CoI) & Johannesen, T. T. (CoI)
1/05/21 → 30/04/24
Project: Research
Causes and costs of the high incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the Faroe Islands
Hammer, T. (PI), Petersen, M. S. (CoI), Strøm, M. (CoI), Weihe, P. M. (CoI), Nielsen, K. R. (CoI), Midjord, J. (CoI), Vang, A. (CoI), Lophaven, S. N. (CoI), Burisch, J. (CoI) & Langholz, E. (CoI)
1/03/21 → 1/07/24
Project: Research
The psychosocial and physical working environment among Faroese employees
Helgadóttir Davidsen, A. (PI) & Weihe, P. M. (PI)
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Multistatic multibeam signal processing approaches with applications in fish farming
Kristmundsson, J. (PI), Xin, Q. (PI), Potter, J. (PI) & Patursson, Ø. (PI)
1/09/20 → 22/12/23
Project: Research
7023 COVID-19 infection among those who have been in recommended quarantine / Smittustøðan hjá teimum, sum hava verið í viðmæltum sóttarhaldi
Petersen, M. S. (PI)
1/05/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
7010 Covid in the Faroe Islands - Examinations of Infection Rates, Symptoms, and Antibodies of Covid Patients in the Faroe Islands
Gaini, S. (PI), Petersen, M. S. (PI), Kristiansen, M. F. (PI), Steig, B. Á. (PI), Strøm, M. (PI), Christiansen, D. H. (PI), Andorsdóttir, G. (PI), Møller, L. F. (PI) & Gislason, H. (PI)
17/04/20 → 18/05/22
Project: Research
7015 Learners' situation in the "Corona school" / Støðan hjá næmingum í "koronaskúlanum"
av Kák, K. (PI)
15/04/20 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
0525 Inclusion in the Faroese public school: From political vision to practice in tension between general education and special needs education
Poulsen, F. (PI)
1/09/19 → 12/04/23
Project: Research
Macrofauna - a Faroese Baseline
á Norði, G. (PI), Mortensen, H. S. (PI), Andreasen, B. (PI) & Johannesen, T. T. (PI)
1/08/19 → 31/10/20
Project: Research
0523 The Entrepreneurial Environment of Smaller Island Jurisdictions
Turesson, D. (PI)
1/06/19 → 31/05/22
Project: Research
3018 Dietary intake and physical activity in young Faroese teenagers and the relation with family socio economic indicators and health
Strøm, M. (PI)
1/01/19 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
0522 Reproductive manoeuvring: An ethnographic study about Faroese women's abortion and other reproductive experiences
Hermannsdóttir, T. (PI)
15/08/18 → 24/02/23
Project: Research
0454 Sea spray aerosol properties during a phytoplankton bloom in the coastal ocean of the Faroe Islands
Christiansen, S. (PI)
1/07/18 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Cryptosporidium and Giardia in livestock in the Faroe Islands - a potential source for contamination of drinking water supplies
Bergkvist, K. S. G. (PI), Mortensen, H. S. (PI), Fjallsbak, J. P. (PI), Vang, Ó. (PI) & Robertson, L. (PI)
1/08/17 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Factors influencing the distribution of pelagic sea lice at fish farm- and regional scale
á Norði, G. (PI)
1/01/14 → 30/04/15
Project: Research
0220 Færøske børns tidlige sprogtilegnelse – Udvikling og normering af en færøsk version af CDI-forældrerapporter
Rasmussen, S. M. (PI)
1/09/12 → 4/06/20
Project: Research
Resuspension of sediments impacted by fish farming wastes
á Norði, G. (PI)
1/08/11 → 31/01/13
Project: Research
Impact of organic enrichment on the microbial biogeochemistry and overlying water quality in relation to fish farms in Faroese fjords
á Norði, G. (PI)
1/03/06 → 1/03/11
Project: Research