Student theses
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“Lítla mín hvat sigur tú? Purple, flower, blóma, blue” Ein kanning av málinum hjá tvey-fýra ára gomlum føroyskum børnum – við serligum atliti at útlendskum orðum/íkasti.”
Berghamar, E. (Author), Rasmussen, S. M. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Yearly variations in abundance and fish sizes of late pelagic cod juveniles (Gadus morhua L.) in the Faroe area described by the otolith microstructure
Poulsen, M. (Author) & Magnussen, E. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor), Gislason, H. (Supervisor) & Mosegaard, H. (Supervisor), 2005Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Wave energy conversion in the Faroe Islands
Joensen, B. (Author), Bingham, H. B. (Supervisor) & Niclasen, B. A. (Supervisor), 14 Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Water quality within a group of fish farming cages
Rasmussen, H. W. (Author), Simonsen, K. (Supervisor), Patursson, Ø. (Supervisor) & Klebert, P. (Supervisor), 2 Dec 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Ungdómur : Miðlar, mentan og seinmodernitetur í Føroyum
Gaini, F. (Author), Joensen, J. P. (Supervisor), 2007Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Trying to grow like a weed: The impact of partial harvests on Alaria esculenta yield, quality, and cost
Koester , J. A. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Mols-Mortensen, A. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Trying to grow like a weed: The impact of partial harvests on Alaria esculenta yield, quality, and cost
Magnussen, E. (Author) & Koester, J. A. (Author), Mols-Mortensen, A. (Supervisor), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Méndez Aragón, V. (Supervisor), May 2022Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Tórshavns arbejderklasse 1900-1930. Offentlighed og forholdet til socialistisk ideologi : med et historisk tilbageblik til klassens faktiske tilblivelse
Joensen, E. V. (Author)Busck, S. (Supervisor), 1992Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Tílíkan fugl so kjósi eg mær: Fuglurin sum mynd í eldri føroyskum kvæðum - ein kanning av motivinum ”fuglur og kvinna,” sum tað kemur fyri í ymsum sniðum í føroyskum kvæðauppskriftum, samanborið við skyldar europeiskar heimildir.
Árnadóttir, T. (Author)Sigurðardóttir, T. (Supervisor), 6 Feb 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Three Women Artists from the Faroe Islands: Three perspectives of Women's art from the Faroe Islands
Olsen, S. H. (Author), 1 Sept 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The de Rham theorem
Thomsen, M. J. (Author), Jakobsen, H. P. (Supervisor), 28 Aug 2018Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The cerbral cortex of the long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas): An estimation of volume, cell density and total cell number in the entire cortex, and ind the auditory and visual cortices
Hansen, H. S. (Author), Eriksen, N. (Supervisor), Pakkenberg, B. (Supervisor), Dam, M. (Supervisor) & Mikalsen, S.-O. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Temperature influence on roe fertilization in Atlantic Salmon aquaculture.
Sørensen, B. L. (Author), Norði, G. Á. (Supervisor) & Magnussen, E. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Teljing av heiðafuglinum í Norðarahaga norðaraparti í Skúvoynni ígjøgnum summarið 2022
Midjord , A. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Teacher cognition of grade 8 teachers on teaching speaking in English as a foreign language in The Faroe Islands and its impact on teachers’ pedagogical praxis: seven case studies
Vijayavarathan - R, K. (Author), 17 Nov 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Sulens fødevalg - maveundersøgelser af suleunger i Mykines holm
Skúvadal, F. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Olsen, B. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Sublittorale makroalgesamfund på Suðuroy. Tre lokaliteter med forskellig eksponeringsgrad
Mortensen, A. M. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Nielsen, R. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Steps towards next generation sequencing of Haemoglobin.
Jespersen, A. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Mikalsen, S.-O. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Species composition and depth distribution of macroalgae in the outer Oslo fjord: A revisit to stations sampled by Sundene (1953) and Fredriksen and Rueness (1990)
Reinert, T. W. (Author), Frederiksen, S. (Supervisor) & Gaard, E. (Supervisor), 5 Dec 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Spatial distribution of cod on the Faroe Plateau in relation to climate and other environmental conditions
Ottosen, K. M. (Author) & Magnussen, E. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Steingrund, P. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Sequencing the North Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) genome and development of a genetic stock management tool
í Kongsstovu, S. K. (Author), Mikalsen, S.-O. (Supervisor), 14 May 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Sea Spray Aerosols: Formation and Cloud Forming Potential
Christiansen, S. (Author), Bilde, M. (Supervisor), 23 Oct 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Royndir við eplavelting í Føroyum
Petersen, V. K. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Haar, P. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Real Time On The Fly Kinematic GPS
Roberts, G. W. (Author), Ashkenazi, V. (Supervisor) & Dodson, A. H. (Supervisor), Dec 1997Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Real time Non-Invasive Salmon Monitoring in Offshore Fish Farms
Kristmundsson, J. (Author), Xin, Q. (Supervisor), Patursson, Ø. (Supervisor) & Potter, J. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Prose Contexts of Eddic Poetry: Primarily in the fornaldarsögur
Leslie-Jacobsen, H. F. (Author)Mundal, E. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Primary production on the Faroe Shelf : Spatial and temporal variations with links to hydrography
Eliasen, S. K. (Author), Larsen, K. M. H. (Supervisor), Hansen, B. (Supervisor), Hátun, H. (Supervisor) & Rasmussen, T. A. S. (Supervisor), 26 Aug 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Prevention of Saprolegnia on Rainbow trout eggs
Espeland, S. (Author) & Hansen, P. E. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Østergaard, P. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Populationsgenetiske undersøgelser af gråspurve (Passer domesticus) på Færøerne
Johansen , B. O. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Mikalsen, S.-O. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Population dynamics of Calanus species within the southwestern Norwegian Sea : links to water mass distribution and Norwegian spring spawning herring
Kristiansen, I. (Author), Gaard, E. (Supervisor), Hátun, H. (Supervisor) & Jónasdóttir, S. H. (Supervisor), May 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Optimizing the production of seeding material for cultivation of sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima)
Berg, E. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Bak, U. G. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Oceanography of the Faroe Shelf and Sundalagið Norður: A modeling approach
Erenbjerg, S. V. (Author), Kaas, E. (Supervisor), Hansen, B. (Supervisor) & Simonsen, K. (Supervisor), 15 Dec 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
New Times in the Faroe Islands, New Speakers of Faroese and the Sociolinguistics of Labour Market Inclusion: Challenges and Opportunities
Holm, A.-E. (Author), O'Rourke, B. (Supervisor) & Danson, M. (Supervisor), 21 Jan 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
MP Firefighting: When do MPs hold government accountable?
West, H. (Author)Pedersen, H. H. (Supervisor), Blom-Hansen, J. (Supervisor) & í Jákupsstovu, B. (Supervisor), Nov 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
MIcrobial biodiversity of sediments under Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture farms
Johansen, B. O. (Author), Madsen, N. (Supervisor), Mikalsen, S.-O. (Supervisor), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Djurhuus, A. (Supervisor), 23 Sept 2021Student thesis: Master's Thesis
"MEÐAN FÓLKARÆÐIÐ SVAV?": Ein sosiologisk kanning av parlamentariska fatanarkringinum av borgarans talgilda privatfriði
Blaasvær, L. H. (Author), Bogadóttir, R. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Meanings and practices related to fishing on the Faroes
Olsen, E. S. (Author), Paulson, S. (Supervisor), Jun 2011Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Marriage Migrants to the Faroe Islands: An Analysis of the Life-World of Non-Western Women Married to the Faroe Islands
Ísfeld, R. P. (Author)Nielsen, H. P. (Supervisor), 21 Jun 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Magnetotelluric survey from north to south onshore the Faroe Islands
Abrahamsen, H. (Author) & Joensen, B. (Author)Petersen, L. B. (Supervisor) & Brown, R. J. (Supervisor), 14 May 2010Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Magnetokapacitet af todimensionale elektronsystemer i halvlederstrukturer
Gislason, H. (Author), Per Hansen, O. (Supervisor), 3 Oct 1992Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Luxury consumption practices in the digital age: prosumers and lurkers on visual social media
Leban, M. (Author), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Lossingarmenn í Havn
Joensen, E. V. (Author)Joensen, J. P. (Supervisor), 21 Mar 2003Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Lice Management in Salmon Aquaculture: Using the Faroe Islands as a case site
Kragesteen, T. J. (Author), Andersen, K. H. (Supervisor), Visser, A. W. (Supervisor) & Simonsen, K. (Supervisor), 21 Feb 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Least-Squares Inverse Thermal Modelling and Organic Geochemistry in the Faroe-Shetland Basin
Simonsen, H. (Author), Nielsen, S. B. (Supervisor), 5 Jun 2003Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Længde-vægt forhold og konditionsfaktor for fisk under Færøerne
Poulsen, M. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor), 0202Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Kan maveindeholdet hos flejede lunder afsløre ændringer i fødetilgangen ?
Højsted, H. J. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Olsen, B. (Supervisor), 2000Student thesis: Master's Thesis
IPN and stress in relation to size distribution of Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar L.)
Joensen, I. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Østergaard, P. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Investigation of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in three Faroese lakes
Black, L. L. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor) & Gaard, E. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Inklusjón í føroyska fólkaskúlanum: Frá politiskari visjón til virkni í einum spenni millum almenna námsfrøði og sernámsfrøði
Poulsen, F. (Author), Hedegaard-Sørensen, L. (Supervisor), Hayfield, E. A. (Supervisor) & Baltzer, K. (Supervisor), 25 Sept 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Influence of the New Zealand Flatworm on the earthworm community of the Faroe Islands
Eyðansstovu , H. M. Í. (Author), Magnussen, E. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Master's Thesis