Bygningadeildin - The Department of Histopric Buildings and Heritage

Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Deildin hevur antikvariska umsiting av friðaðum bygningum, har ábyrgdarøkið, umframt at hava eftirlit við bygningum, eisini er at savna inn, skráseta, varðveita, granska og miðla føroyskan byggisið gjøgnum tíðina. Deildin luttekur eisini í m.a. málsviðgerð av kirkjubygningum og bygningar hjá bygdasøvnum.

The Department of Building Heritage has the antiquarian administration of listed buildings. Apart from inspecting the buildings it is the responsibility of the department to collect,
register, preserve, study and to disseminate knowlwdge of Faroese building traditions throughout the ages. The Department also participates in case management in connection with church buildings and buildings owned by local museums.