Hydrographic Surveying on the Jákup Sverri

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


The Jákup Sverri is a modern state of the art deep sea research vessel. Hydrographic surveying capabilities are included on the ship, in the form of a mid to deep ocean multibeam echo sounder.
The hydrographic surveying equipment includes a Kongsberg EM712 multibeam echo sounder, Novatel RTK GNSS positioning and attitude system, Kongsberg Motion Reference Unit, and a Sound Velocity Profiler.
The talk gives background to the operation of a multibeam system, giving an overview of how such a system works, and how the position and attitude (roll, pitch and yaw) corrections are applied to the data. The EM712 is capable of measuring ranges of up to 3.6km, and at a ping rate of up to 30Hz, depending on the water depth. The swath coverage of the unit is up to 140°, which equates to a swath width of up to 5.5 times the water depth, incorporating of 140 measurements per ping. The RTK system on board can be connected to the Faroese RTK reference network, allowing 3-dimensional cm level precisions within a few tens of kilometres of the land.
Typically, the speed of sound in sea water is around 1500 m/s. We look at how the sound velocity profiler is used to correct for the speed of sound through differing sea columns, and the effect of not using such corrections could have on the results.
The talk gives an overview of the Kongsberg software and hardware used on board, as well as the CARIS software used to post-process the data.
The results are data with a phenomenal level of accuracy and detail that can be used for a number of increasing applications, such as charting, environmental monitoring, planning of offshore wind farms and other offshore energy generators, aquaculture, marine archaeology, subsea tunnel planning to name a few.
Period17 Jun 2022
Event titleGeospatial Centre of the Faroe Islands; Technical Seminars: Monthly technical talks
Event typeSeminar
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • Bathymetry
  • Multibeam
  • Faroe Islands